Edited on Sat Dec-13-08 12:25 PM by GOPBasher
Dear Republicans (an open letter):
I’m on welfare. For the past two years, I’ve been a beneficiary of the Earned Income Tax Credit. I’ve been laid-off, on and off, for a few months now, and it will probably become permanent fairly soon; thus, I have claimed unemployment benefits and will probably secure quite a bit more in the coming months. I may apply for food stamps in the near future, as we’re having quite a bit of trouble affording groceries. If I lose my job outright, my family and I will most likely receive Medicaid. So, I’m quite a free-loader, huh? Let me explain how I got here.
I have a Bachelor’s degree in Physics, graduating Magna Cum Laude. Upon graduating, I was ready to get a job in my field and be a productive member of society. Unfortunately, no one hired me, and the only work I could find was a part-time tutoring position, making $12/hr with no benefits. This led me to get into education. I got a Master’s in Teaching, with certifications in science and math. The job market for that was tough as well (despite what you hear about so-called “teacher shortages”), but I did manage to land a couple jobs and I made a living and supported my family for a few years. Then, a little over two years ago, my wife and I moved out to Southwestern Michigan for personal reasons.
When I got here, I took a job in a factory, on an assembly line, making $9.50/hr. This was supposed to be temporary, just to keep me afloat until I secured a better-paying job. I looked and looked for teaching jobs, and didn’t get so much as an interview; with the declining population this area is actually losing teaching jobs. I looked for anything else I could get. A job search that lasted about one year yielded three interviews and no offers. (I stopped spending -- wastinh -- too much time searching about a year ago, and decided I’ll go back to school to do something else when I can.)
So, I’m still making $9.50/hr. (What, did you expect a raise for a blue-collar worker in these union-busting times?) My wife’s in school, so the only money she’s bringing in is from student loans, which we will of course have to pay back. I’m trying to stay afloat. I bring home $340/month, $100 of which goes to day-care. So, I’m supporting a family of four on $240/month. Until recently, I actually brought home somewhat more, because I worked all the overtime I could get my hands on; however, with the faltering economy those opportunities have dried up recently. I’m paying rent, utilities and groceries. (We rely on my wife’s student loans for all car-related expenses.) We generally keep up, but it’s the unexpected costs that kill us -- when the car breaks down (mass transit would help), or when I get $2500 doctor’s bill for diagnostics on my oldest daughter (national health care would really help), etc.
So, I’ve become a free-loader. I’m relying on other people’s hard-earned tax dollars to support my family. What a lazy piece of crap I am. All you Republicans reading this have a right to be disgusted. And, those Republicans who are business owners in southwestern Michigan, you should teach me a lesson! You should hire me! That’s right, make me work for a living, instead of stealing your hard-earned money! Don’t let me be a free-loader! You should pay me enough so I disqualify for any federal aid. Isn’t that ingenious? You have a way to actually stop me from taking your tax dollars!
I’ll pretend that I’m very upset about it. I’ll act as though I’m so damn lazy, I don’t want the job and wish I was still on welfare. (I’m not a good actor, but I’ll try.) You could brag to all your Republican friends that you are personally saving them tax dollars by preventing someone from being on public assistance. Wouldn’t that be incredible?
What I can do for you? I have great interest, and at least a little expertise or coursework, in all of the following areas: Education, Physics, Engineering, Mathematics and Statistics, Computer Science, Economics, and Environmental Studies (liberal, hippy shit), so surely you’ll find something for me to do. In the end, you’re paying me anyway, so you might as well have me do something for you.
You don’t want me on welfare? Give me a fucking job!
Sincerely, GOPBasher
On edit: If anyone on DU would be so kind as to donate a couple bucks in my name so I can get my star back, I promise to give back to our community here when I'm back on my feet. (Or, when I collect food stamps, just to piss off the Right.)