Some of you may remember the thread in GD about my Mom's breast cancer from a couple of weeks ago. There were many wonderful responses and well wishes and I'd like to thank you for them all. She would like to thank you too. I printed them and sent them to her. She got misty thinking that there were so many people with so much compassion that they would take a moment and send a good thought to someone they'll never meet. She was very moved.
Just as I have always believed, collective thought is a powerful thing. When they biopsied her lump, she was told to prepare for a radical mast. and to think about having the other breast removed as well. Well, to make a long story short, my DU friends sent her their collective good thoughts and yesterday she had nothing more radical than a LUMPECTOMY and the removal of a few lymph nodes for testing. The tumor was judged to be STAGE ONE. She'll be undergoing radiation therapy every day for six weeks starting sometime next week.
I was originally dreading the Christmas Drive from L.A. to Boise this year. That's all different now. There will only be four of us at Christmas Dinner but we'll all be smilin' big. I believe some DU'ers had a hand in that.
Thank You.