Welcome to the 21st Century United States of America, in all of its ignorant, self-destructive, don't give a flying f*** about anyone but me glory. And its flagbearers, the Republican and Democratic Parties.
Yes, the Grand Old Party, which is nothing more than a massive bunch of liars, crooks, thieves, paranoid freaks, fascists, racists, homophobes and grumpy old white guys with a grudge against the younger generation now should follow them into the grave. See what we get from having eight years of them running this show? (Which is the first time they've been able to run the whole show since 1954, I should point out.) "Free" trade that shits on American workers. A massive jacking of the defense budget. One semi-useful war and one totally useless one, with thousands of dead bodies as a result. Tax cuts for the rich, screwing the poor to do it. Changes in environmental law. Homophobic garbage like Proposition 8.
And the Democrats? They aren't racists, but they dan sure aren't for the working people. Some are, and those guys get called unelectable. Moderate, they say. Moderate. Make the GOP not rise up in fury against you. Forget the fact they are the above, we don't need to make them angry at us.
Welcome to America - f*** the poor, f*** the middle class, f*** homosexuals, f*** blacks, Hispanics, Asians and everyone who ain't a motherf***ing WASP. F*** non-partisnaship - except when the other guys are in power, when it's great.Substance replaced by jingoism - resulting in Sarah Palin, Rush "Limpballs" Limbaugh, Bill O the motherf***ing clown, Michael the Savage, Joe the (liar) Plumber. Defending America is sorely done by bombing some little country into powder, while we let the elite destroy America's foundations and sell our children's future to the Chinese for crappy dog toys, melanine-tainted food and childrens toys painted with lead paint. Schools falling apart. 50 million people uninsured, the rest paying through the god d***ed nose for crappy health insurance. Life is getting more and more shitty - and the best they can do is not to fix it or even try to, but try to cast rivals as terrorists and rant for months, in spite of obvious evidence, that the Presidential candidate for the other side is not an American. Let me guess, that's because he's a n***er, right GOP gasbags? They even went so far as to try straight-up voter fraud and sending out letters telling Democrat voters to vote on Wednesday, just so their votes wouldn't be counted.
Did the Democrats turn against all of that? No, not really.
This has become America's future, it seems. Barack Obama must literally say to Americans "I cannot fix this." That is going to happen sooner or later. Financially he can't do it. He's facing a bankrupt country, and the only way to fix that is to forcibly change the world's order. He can't do that, can he? So, in four years the masses of idiot Americans will probably toss him out and replace him with another GOP asshole who will do more damage to America. Already, many of the Dem Senators are just as bought and paid for as the Republican ones. Bill Clinton was a Southern Republican cowering behind the (D) next to his name - if you look at his policies, you see that. He cowered along with Newt Gingrich, not having the balls to tell Newt the moron that "I'm the President, I will do things my way, and if you don't like tough s***." But instead, he governed not as a liberal or even a progressive. He screwed people behind their backs instead of doing it to their faces. And he was after Bush Senior, and before Bush Junior.
American Liberals have been told to fuck off, it's that simple. America's middle class now is irrelevant, a bunch of people who the rich and their bought and paid for Congress just keep kicking again and again and again. Can Obama change that?
No, he can't.
American Liberals need to do what I did, to save themselves and the futures of their families and friends.
Get out. Go somewhere where the people matter. In my time in Canada, I have seen such dramatic changes of thinking its incredible. If America perhaps looked at its northern border and saw this place, perhaps they'd know what to aim for.