MTP: Non-stop Blagojovich/Obama discussion
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Sun Dec-14-08 09:06 AM
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MTP: Non-stop Blagojovich/Obama discussion |
That's what I got from the preview. Somehow they didn't do this for Ted Stevens or any corrupt Republican
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Sun Dec-14-08 09:09 AM
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1. Its a feeding frenzy because he is the prdident elect |
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Sun Dec-14-08 09:10 AM
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Sun Dec-14-08 09:15 AM
Response to Reply #2 |
I never turned the shit on. screw 'em
I thank my lucky stars to have been born when I was and being from a poor family 'cause we didn't have a tv when I was a kid so I never got into the habit of watching the damn thing.:donut:
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Sun Dec-14-08 09:17 AM
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5. Occasionally it works toward something other than a propaganda machine. |
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Sun Dec-14-08 09:13 AM
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3. Guilt by Geographic Proximity |
I loved how Rachel put it. That's how desperate the Republicans have gotten.
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Sun Dec-14-08 09:21 AM
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6. well it's hosted by the guy from "race to the white house". he's 38 years old. |
Edited on Sun Dec-14-08 09:31 AM by mucifer
So expect it to go on like this for the next several decades. Nothing bad about republicans. Only bad stuff about dems.
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Sun Dec-14-08 09:47 AM
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They trashed themselves by hiring David Gregory.
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Sun Dec-14-08 09:51 AM
Response to Reply #7 |
8. I agree but I think it can influence public opinion |
It really pisses me off that Gregory got the position.
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Sun Dec-14-08 09:55 AM
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Ain't it somethin' how the corporate media is an expert on anything these stenographers dare to open their pieholes about. Most of it is based in their own biases and stereotypes and then they mold their "narrative" into those constraints. Call it the Kevin Bacon school of corruption...since Blago and Obama are Democrats and that both live in Chicago and since Chicago is the home to Al Capone and Richard J. Daley, they must be all part of some evil dark society and Obama surely had to know every little thing Blago was thinking or doing. Of course, this is the GOOP mindset...the reason these asshats can conjur up all these evil connections if they've perfected them so well over the years.
Joe Bacon
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Sun Dec-14-08 10:07 AM
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10. Meet the Presstitute is back in full force |
Gregory doesn't even take a pee without asking for Rove's permission.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 06:45 PM
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