Think Progress has documented the Magic Bullet Man's latest slip o the tongue: Friday night, Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA) offered up some “tasteless ethnic jokes” at a swanky Pennsylvania Society luncheon in New York City. The senator asked the audience if anyone present was Polish. Reportedly, about 10 people raised their hands. Callous to their concerns, Specter then proceeded to let loose with a stream of Polish jokes:
Specter deemed the number insignificant and forged ahead with some supposedly funny Polish jokes, including the old one about the man who interrupted him once, saying, “Hey, careful. I’m Polish!” Specter said he responded, “That’s OK - I’ll tell it more slowly.” Specter also told two other tasteless jokes in the same Polish vein. “No one walked out, but it was offensive,” said our source. “I was offended, and I’m not Polish.”
Every day that Slappy Thomas sits on the Supreme Court is another insult delivered by the same dim bulb!