Grande StrategyThe Indian Air Force (IAF) has violated Pakistani airspace and were intercepted by the Pakistan Air Force. The incidence took place on the 13th of December, at midnight. The military establishment in Pakistan is considering this to be a serious violation and PAF air bases are on full alert.This represents a series of provocations that could easily go out of hand and lead to war, which could as easily go nuclear. This therefore represents a very dangerous situation for not only India and Pakistan, but for the international community.
2 Indian Su-30 MkI ingressed in the Lahore sector, Pakistan's second most important city after Karachi. 3 Indian Mirage 2000H ingressed in the Kashmir sector. The Su-30 Mki "FLANKER" were intercepted by 3 F-16s and 3 F-7 combat aircraft from the Pakistan Air Force, while the Mirage 2000Hs were intercepted by 2 F-16s and 2 Mirage IIIs. The intercepts were made within 4 miles of entering Pakistani territory, and the intruders were escorted out of Pakistani airspace. According to the PAF, the Indian aircraft were fully armed.The Indians are in violation of agreements to not send combat aircraft within 10 km of their own boundaries. The simultaneous nature of the intrusion, in the middle of the night, being fully armed clearly indicates it was no mistake, and is replicative of Israeli tactics with Syria.
The response from the Government of Pakistan has been to contradict the Pakistan Air Force and state that this was, in essence a mistake from the Indian side. This illustrates the nature of the government which has thus far been more anti-Pakistan Military and pro-Western than any government in the past.
The Information Minister, Sherry Rehman, claimed that it was a mistake from the Indian side, which directly contradicts the PAF, and one may add, logic. In a joint press conference with the British PM, Zardari echoed this response and said Indian violation was a technical fault of IAF. While PAF denies that it was fault.