Girls Laugh in Background as Baltimore Man is Robbed and Shot
Video: video to the right of the article below. You can see them throw back their
heads in laughter men said video of girls laughing during an armed robbery showcases what they have already known and have invested their lives trying to change. “Violence is routine with them so they have to gear up and get themselves ready to deal with the everyday violence. When you see them acting like they don't care it's part of their armor they can't show a weakness in the streets," said Cook. “To laugh at something as heinous as that is definitely a problem in our city right now," added Lowery.
Lowery, a former Latin King, runs gang diversion programs in schools and says girls are becoming more violent. But the root of their problem is the same as their male counterparts. “We got to show them love in spite of the condition that they're in," said Cook.
The robbery originally occurred back in August.
The victim was attacked in front of customers and the store owners and no one tried to help him.