Things that made you go "Hmmm" about what has happened.
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Sun Dec-14-08 05:55 PM
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Things that made you go "Hmmm" about what has happened. |
When the FED stopped reporting M3, a report on the money supply.
When Enron and Haliburton planes flew Republicans to Florida to steal the 2000 election.
When our government gave crooked Wall Street banks $700 billion dollars and refused to give Detroit auto makers a $17 billion dollar loan.
When Bob Novak, calls the investor class "the most creative class."
When a bank offers you a low interest rate which will be substantially increased in a few months.
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Sun Dec-14-08 06:02 PM
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1. And why W is behind the bailout |
I don't get it...
What is he playing?
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Sun Dec-14-08 06:18 PM
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2. if the whole economy goes under, his oil pals are SOL |
No jobs = nobody going anywhere. No sale at the pump
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 04:39 PM
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