It takes 4 days to write the auto bailout? Smells like a repuke dirty trick.
European Socialist
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Sun Dec-14-08 09:33 PM
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It takes 4 days to write the auto bailout? Smells like a repuke dirty trick. |
Maybe they got Rove writing in UAW poison pills.
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Sun Dec-14-08 09:37 PM
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1. It is a Loan - Not a Bail Out |
The loan will be paid back.
Bail Out's are giveaways - Just like AIG et al.
they don't have to pay it back.
It is a Loan.
Not a Bail Out
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Sun Dec-14-08 09:39 PM
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2. But it's still being done by dirty-rotten Repukes. |
So it's likely full of dirty-rotten Repuke tricks.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 05:44 PM
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