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"I'm not like anyone else," murderer says. (Or is he...?)

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mwb970 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-08 08:35 AM
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"I'm not like anyone else," murderer says. (Or is he...?)
"I'm not like anyone else," murderer says
(Columbus Dispatch, December 15, 2008)

When he was just a kid, Terry Shepherd gutted animals for fun. Groundhogs, rabbits, mangy dogs he found wandering the countryside. Growing up on a Hardin County farm, he hunted for food and sport, too. But this was different.

"I killed everything I could find," Shepherd said during a two-hour interview at the Multi-County Correctional Center in Marion last night, an exclusive for The Dispatch. "I've always known I was different, that I'm not like anybody else."

On Friday, a Hardin County judge sentenced Shepherd, 40, to two consecutive life terms in prison for the Oct. 12 murders of 57-year-old Judy Kearley and 52-year-old Deb England, two Kenton women who were strangers to him but who had agreed to give him a lift.

Shepherd faces another life sentence in a Wyandot County court, where he has pleaded guilty to the Sept. 28 murder of 78-year-old Claradell Keller.

"Not like anyone else?" Didn't young George W. Bush delight in blowing up frogs with firecrackers?
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ayeshahaqqiqa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-08 08:55 AM
Response to Original message
1. It is a common trait amongst serial killers
to have a history or maiming/killing/torturing animals. That's one reason I support strict anti-cruelty laws--these folks need to be identified and given a sentence that includes psychiatric help.
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DCKit Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-08 09:02 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. I don't believe you can fix what isn't there to begin with.
Edited on Mon Dec-15-08 09:03 AM by DCKit
But I'm no psychiatrist either - just seen far more than my share of psychopaths.

On Edit:

If this guy is forty, I'd be looking for a whole lot more victims. Usually these guys are just beginning to wind down at that age.
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HillWilliam Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-08 12:42 PM
Response to Original message
3. In my state, when cruelty to animals is reported
an investigator will usually go in and look for signs of spousal or child abuse. Sad to say, they rarely come up empty-handed.
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