Yesterday, I linked to criticism from progressive media critic Bob Somerby on December 12th to the effect that Rachel Maddow had blamed "a few Republicans" the night before for linking Obama to Blago-gate ( ), when in fact Michael Isikoff had done it in her own show on December 9th. Maddow seemed to give a pass to her mainsream media colleagues. Some Maddow worshippers got angry that the Untouchable had been given advice, as you may see in the comments section of the thread in question.
Well it turns out that Maddow seems to have received the memo immediately, since that same night, on the 12th, Maddow did what she had to do and broadened the blame:
MADDOW (12/12/08): On the off-chance that you didn’t watch cable news all day today, here’s the day in Rod Blagojevich. The indicted governor is still in office. The hair is still awesome...
And now, the national media, newspapers, radio shows, and yes, TV news networks, have bought into one degree or another to guilt by proximity. Obama is Note that Maddow says that "now" the mainstream media had joined the right-wing media, when in fact it had been doing it fromm the start. But still, great change of tune by Maddow. Now we're talking. Right-wingers are despicable, but the mainstream media is their accomplice.