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WH pool reporters yuck it up on Air Force One: "I bet they’ll be serving us 'shoe-fly pie'"

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sabra Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-08 05:19 PM
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WH pool reporters yuck it up on Air Force One: "I bet they’ll be serving us 'shoe-fly pie'"


The jokes on Air Force One about that incident Sunday in Baghdad were flying faster than those shoes.

Even the president couldn’t resist – beginning an interview by telling reporters on the flight out of Iraq that he didn’t know what the shoe-hurler was saying – “but I saw his sole.” (Get it? Shoe sole?)

“It was a bizarre moment,” said Mr. Bush, and with mock pride he trumpeted his reflexes in ducking out of the way of the airborne footwear. “So you weren’t a lame duck,” I kidded the president to the moans and groans of his aides and my colleagues.

Back in the press cabin: “I bet they’ll be serving us “shoe-fly pie,” said one reporter.

“We’ll probably have to go shoe-less to the next press conference,” said another.

We wondered if the shoes thrown at the President were “wing tips," and whether the Secret Service would issue agents a new manual on “the taming of the shoe.”

And though President Bush was unscathed from the incident, Press Secretary Dana Perino suffered an injury. She was hit in the face by a heavy metal microphone stand that was swung around at her as security personnel rushed the shoe-hurler. It left her with a dark bruise under her right eye.

“Guess you could call that a shoe shiner,” a reporter said later.

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Tangerine LaBamba Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-08 05:36 PM
Response to Original message
1. Isn't that charming?
These worthless scum who enabled Fuckface to get away with his invasion of Iraq, the horrendous deaths that followed and continue, the terrible lives that have been ruined in Iraq, in the United States, everywhere, because of this little slimeball, and isn't it cute that they can make jokes with the Pretender-In-Chief, yuk it up, sort of like how they all laughed at the video the White House made of Fuckface searching all over for those pesky WMDs. Couldn't find them anywhere.

Wasn't that funny, too? I bet the families of the dead American soldiers found it hilarious.

Ah, but it's good to laugh.

So what if that Iraqi journalist - my new hero - represented all the Iraqis who weren't able to get close enough to Fuckface to do what he did? So what if the American media giants think it's all so funny? So what if those women and children in Iraq are dead, maimed, orphaned, left without families, lost forever?

So what? It's great to have a "President" who knows how to poke fun at himself. What a guy! Don't you wish you could just have a beer with him?

Oh, wait. He's a hopeless alcoholic who fell headfirst into the Bible and thinks God anointed him to bring something or other to the Middle East. So I guess a beer is out of the question.

Well, that's all right. I'm sure all you funlovers will find something equally rewarding to do while you're safe and insulated from the horrors that drove one man to throw shoes and call the Beast of Baghdad (yes, that's George W. Bush) a "dog."

Dogs everywhere object, but the insult stands.

I'm so glad everyone is having fun. Isn't life great?

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Mari333 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-08 05:39 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. no wmd's! wheres the wmds? look under the table hahaha no wmds!
murdering people is funny.
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damntexdem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-08 06:59 PM
Response to Reply #1
5. If we had a beer with him ... would we have to drink it out of a shoe?
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KansDem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-08 05:38 PM
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2. Yeah, these are the same folks who yucked it up when Bush gave his despicable "comedy" routine...
Edited on Mon Dec-15-08 05:40 PM by KansDem
...his disgusting "can't find the WMDs" schtick.

While 1,000s of American soldiers and 100,000s of Iraqi civilians lie dead.

Both Bush and the "reporters" who enabled him can go to Hell...

edited to add "disgusting"
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damntexdem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-08 06:58 PM
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4. Dubya's just lucky he wasn't socked.
But after the throwing, there were three heels at the podium.
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tom_paine Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-16-08 08:42 AM
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6. That is nearly odious and disgusting as watching the Nazi Press Corps joke it up with Hitler.
Edited on Tue Dec-16-08 08:42 AM by tom_paine
You know, I LIKE how our Press Toadies don't mind yukking it up with a mass-muderer, serial-felon, state-criminal and high-treasonist.

Shows they aren't so "elitist", eh?

:sarcasm: :puke: :rofl: :silly:
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