If the Constitution Of The United States is just a piece of paper, does that make the Holy Bible just another book?
Mr. *bush, time to remember the oath you took and what it stands for.
"I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." --Article II, Section I of the U.S. ConstitutionIf you'll look closely at the above picture you'll notice your hand resting upon a book. This book, of course, is The Holy Bible.
That single sentence- that single moment- is binding. Not only in the eyes of the citizens of this nation and those of the world, but in the eyes of God. Thus, to take any action in opposition of that oath you took is an annullment of your entire presidency, and it puts your immortal soul in jeopardy as well.
You're a traitor to America, Mr. *bush. You're a war criminal. You're directly and personally responsible for the deaths of thousands of men, women, and children. You've ordered explosives to be dropped upon cities, towns, and villages. You've ordered the defenders of our nation to kill the innocent citizens of foreign nations. You've stolen the lives and futures of this nation's young soldiers and their families, and have done so without a second thought or a backward glance.
You've approved of the poisoning of our planet's precious atmosphere. You've allowed the corruption of the world's fragile ecosystem. You're directly responsible for the disruption of the entire planet's life cycle.
You lie. You spy. You steal. You conceal. You maim. You blame.
You wanted a dictatorship, George. But you never thought about the down side of it- dictators stand alone.
The presidency is YOURS, George. YOU raised your hand. YOU said the words. YOU sit at the desk. And as much as you'd like to run away to Paraguay and hide from it all, the responsibility of it all is about to slam into your desk like a runaway train.
Not Karl's desk. Not Condi's desk. Not Dick's desk.
I have a feeling you're about to face that fact for the very first time.
There's an old Chinese curse I'd like to bestow upon you, George. It goes: "May you live in interesting times." I'm sure you won't understand the meaning of it just yet. But give it time, George. Your times are about to become VERY interesting indeed.