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Bloomberg's List of Investors Madoff Swindled! More to Come...

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KoKo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-08 08:19 PM
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Bloomberg's List of Investors Madoff Swindled! More to Come...
Edited on Mon Dec-15-08 08:35 PM by KoKo01

Madoff’s Investors Had $30 Billion at Firm: Table

By Jesse Westbrook and Saijel Kishan

Dec. 15 (Bloomberg) -- Investors had at least $29.9 billion in funds overseen by Bernard Madoff, the money manager arrested last week in an alleged fraud, according to data compiled by Bloomberg and media reports.

Madoff, 70, told employees before his arrest last week that his firm was “a giant Ponzi scheme” that may have cost clients as much as $50 billion. The following is an alphabetical list of Madoff’s investors.

Client Total Source

Access International $1.4 billion Company statement,
Advisors Bloomberg Data

Banco Santander SA 2.33 billion Company statement
euros ($3.1

Banque Benedict Hentsch $48 million Company statement
& Cie. SA

BBVA 300 mln euros Company Statement
($404 mln)

Benbassat & Cie. $935 million Reuters, citing Le Temps

BNP Paribas SA Up to 350 Company statement
million euros
($478.2 mln)

Boston philanthropist $145 million Boston Globe
Carl Shapiro’s
charitable foundation

Bramdean Alternatives 9.5 percent Company statement
Ltd. of assets

Clal Insurance 3 mln shekels Company statement

CNP Assurances 3 mln euros Company statement
($4.1 million)

Dexia SA 78 million Company statement
euros ($106.9

EIM Group $230 million Reuters, citing Le Temps

Elie Wiesel Foundation Undetermined Wall Street Journal
For Humanity

Fairfield Greenwich $7.5 billion Bloomberg News,
Group Company Statement

Fix Asset Management $400 million Company Statement

Fortis Bank Netherlands 1 bln euros
($1.4 bln)

GMAC LLC Chairman Most of its Wall Street Journal
Jacob Ezra Merkin’s $1.8 billion
Ascot Partners LLC of assets

Groupama 10 mln euros Company Statement
($13.6 mln)

Harel Insurance $14.2 million Company statement
Investments & Financial
Services Ltd.

HSBC Holdings Plc $1 billion Company statement

JEHT Foundation Undetermined; Company Statement
Will close.

Julian J. Levitt $6 million Washington Post

Kingate Management Ltd. $3.5 billion Bloomberg News,
Bloomberg Data

Korea Life Insurance Co. $50 million Yonhap News

Korea Teachers Pension $9.1 million Company statement

Leonard Litwin Undetermined Spokesman

Madoff Family Foundation $19 million Washington Post

Man Group Plc $360 million Company statement

Maxam Capital $280 million Wall Street Journal
Management LLC

M&B Capital Partners 137.4 El Mundo newspaper
million euros
($187.9 mln)

Mediobanca $671,000 Company statement

Mirabaud & Cie. A few million Reuters, citing Le Temps
Swiss Francs

Mort Zuckerman’s $30 million CNBC Interview
charitable trust

Natixis Up to 450 Company statement
million euros
($614 mln)

Neue Privat Bank $5 Million Bloomberg News

New York Mets Undetermined Company statement
owner Fred Wilpon’s
Sterling Equities Inc.

Nomura Holdings Inc. $302 Million Company statement

Nordea Bank AB 48 mln euros Company statement
($65.6 mln)

Norman Braman, Undetermined Wall Street Journal
Former owner of the
Philadelphia Eagles
Football Team

North Shore-Long Island $5 million Company statement
Jewish Health System

Notz, Stucki & Cie Undetermined Reuters, citing Le Temps

Phoenix Holdings 48 mln shekels Company Statement
($12.42 mln)

Pioneer Alternative Almost all Bloomberg News
Investments of its $280
million of

Robert I. Lappin $8 million Washington Post
Charitable Foundation

Royal Bank of Canada Less than Globe and Mail
C$50 million
($40 million)

Royal Bank of $360 million Company statement
Scotland Group Plc

Reichmuth & Co.’s $330 million Letter to clients
Reichmuth Matterhorn

Societe Generale SA Less than 10 Company statement
million euros
($13.7 mln)

Technion 25 mln shekels Company Statement
($6.5 mln)

Tremont Capital $3.3 billion Bloomberg News

U.S. Senator Frank Undetermined Bergen Record,
Lautenberg’s Bloomberg News
Charitable Foundation

UniCredit SpA 75 mln euros Company statement
($102.5 mln)

Union Bancaire Privee # Less than Company statement
1.26 billion
Swiss francs
($1.08 billion)

Steven Spielberg’s
Wunderkinder Foundation Undetermined Wall Street Journal

Yeshiva University Undetermined Washington Post
and statement

Total (approximate) $29.9 billion

# Based on 1 percent of assets under management as of June 30.

To contact the reporters on this story: Jesse Westbrook in Washington at; Saijel Kishan in New York at
Last Updated: December 15, 2008 18:28 EST


Bernie Madoff's Victims (So Far)

HSBC "has emerged as one the largest victims of Bernard Madoff’s alleged fraud with potential exposure of about $1bn to the investment manager’s collapsed venture...HSBC’s exposure stemmed from loans it provided to institutional clients, mainly hedge funds of funds, that wanted to invest with Mr Madoff. HSBC’s direct exposure is believed to be about $1bn in loans provided to clients who invested some $500m of their own funds in Mr Madoff’s venture. Under the typical terms of these deals, if the US authorities recover any funds from Mr Madoff, HSBC will be paid first, with its clients suffering the first tranche of losses." (FT:)

Man Group’s RMF division has about $350m invested in funds which outsourced their management to Madoff securities, although this is a tiny fraction of the division’s $25bn of assets. (FT)

Tremont Capital. Fund of funds. More than $1bn invested. (FT)

Pioneer Investments, an arm of Italy’s UniCredit, had “substantially all” of $835m invested with Madoff. (FT)

Maxam Capital Management LLC. Combined loss of $280 million. "I'm wiped out," said Sandra Manzke, Maxam's founder and chairman. The Darien, Conn., fund of hedge funds will have to close as a result of the losses, she said. (WSJ)

Fairfield Greenwich Group. Bloomberg: The biggest loser may be Walter Noel’s Fairfield Greenwich Group, whose $7.3 billion Fairfield Sentry Ltd. invested with Madoff’s eponymous firm, three people familiar with the matter said... Fairfield Sentry has a record of more than 15 years with an annual return of 4 to 6 percentage points above benchmark interest rates, according to a marketing document dated this month that was prepared by Zurich-based NPB New Private Bank Ltd. On an absolute basis, returns exceeded 10 percent every year from 1991 through 2000. Since then, they ranged from 6.4 percent to 9.8 percent...The strategy is a “split-strike conversion,” where the investment manager buys shares of large U.S. companies and enters into options contracts to limit the risk, the document says.

Fix Asset Management. Bloomberg: Fix Asset Management, which had an account worth at least $400 million with Madoff Investments. The firm said it’s checking with lawyers about the holdings. “We are very shocked,” John Fix, the son of founder Charles Fix, said by phone from Greece. “We put in redemptions in the past few months and got our money back no problem. We are just so surprised about all this.”

Kingate Management Ltd. Bloomberg says $2.8 billion Kingate Global Fund Ltd. invested with Madoff.

Santander. WSJ: The eurozone's largest bank by market value, said its clients had an exposure of €2.33 billion ($3.1 billion) to Madoff's investment funds, mainly through its Optimal Strategic US Equity fund. More than €2 billion belongs to institutional investors and international clients of its private-banking business, which provides services to wealthy individuals, it said. The remaining €320 million belongs to private-banking customers in Spain, where Santander is based.

Thyssen Family. Source sends the following: Thybo Investments grew out of a family office for Thyssen. They have been in fund of funds it seems since 1989. Thybo International is a "proper" fund of fund but it's newer share class G invests only in one manager - and i'm 99% sure it's Madoff as the returns are almost the same. Some more info. The fund started in Jan 2007. Ernst & Young. Luxembourg are the auditors. UBS Luxembourg is the administrator. Thybo states on their webpage: "Our track record incorporates audited financial statements at both a composite firm-wide and individual portfolios level."

Ira Roth's family. WSJ: Ira Roth, a New Jersey resident, who says his family has about $1 million invested through Mr. Madoff's firm, is "in a state of panic." He said his 86-year-old mother-in-law has been living on the investments' returns, and he has been using the funds to pay college tuition.

Sterling Equities. Fund controlled by Fred Wilpon, co-owner of the NY Mets, confirms it had money with Madoff.

Stephen Abbott, a San Francisco lawyer. WSJ: and two siblings had several hundred thousand dollars invested with Mr. Madoff. They inherited the trust from their father, who had befriended Mr. Madoff years ago. Performance remained steady through the current bear market, he said. "People were floored," he says. "We were making money in this lousy market." He says he is concerned about recovering the money but "you have to get philosophical about this stuff. It could be worse; we still have our health."

Palm Beach Country Club. Source: CNBC's David Faber

Lawrence Velvel, "69, dean of the Massachusetts School of Law, said he and a friend may have lost millions of dollars between them (AP). "This is a major disaster for a lot of people," Velvel said in a telephone interview from his Andover, Mass., office. "You work all your life, you finally manage to save up something, and somebody who's entrusted with it, it turns out suddenly he's a crook. Lots of people are getting fully or partially wiped out." Velvel said he wants to know where government regulators, as well as accountants and others at Madoff's company, were when the money was being lost." (AP)

Loeb Family. Source: CNBC's David Faber

J. Ezra Merkin. GMAC LLC Chairman. WSJ: Mr. Merkin, the chairman of former General Motors Corp. financing arm GMAC, is also a money manager at Ascot Partners LLC in New York. Ascot, which had $1.8 billion under management as of Sept. 30, had substantially all of its assets invested with Mr. Madoff, according to a letter to Mr. Merkin sent to clients Thursday night. Mr. Merkin said as one of the largest investors in Ascot, he believed he had personally "suffered major losses from this catastrophe."

Norman Braman. Former Philadelphia Eagles owner

Leonard Feinstein, co-founder of retailer Bed Bath & Beyond. (WSJ)

Mort Zuckerman. Mr. Zuckerman, the chairman of real-estate firm Boston Properties and owner of the New York Daily News and U.S. News & World Report, had significant exposure through a fund that invested substantially all of its assets with Mr. Madoff (WSJ)

Richard Spring. WSJ: A Boca Raton resident and former securities analyst, says he had about $11 million -- or 95% of his net worth -- invested with Mr. Madoff. "That's how much I believed in him," Mr. Spring said.

Elie Wiesel's Foundation For Humanity. Total assets of about $10 million.

Members of half-a-dozen country clubs: WSJ: "Mr. Madoff tapped social networks in Dallas, Chicago, Boston and Minneapolis. In Minnesota, he attracted investors from Hillcrest Golf Club of St. Paul and Oak Ridge Country Club in Hopkins, investors say. One of them estimated that investors from the two clubs may have invested more than $100 million combined. One of the largest clusters of Madoff investors was in Florida, where losses could be substantial. Mr. Madoff relied on a network of friends, family and business colleagues to attract investors. According to investors and agents, some of these agents were paid commissions for harvesting investors. Others had separate, lucrative business relationships with Mr. Madoff. "If you were eating lunch at the club or golfing, everyone was always talking about how Madoff was making them all this money," one investor says. "Everyone wanted to sign up." Jeff Fischer, a top divorce attorney in Palm Beach, says many of his clients were also Mr. Madoff's clients. "Every big divorce that came through my office had portfolio positions with Madoff," he says. Two of his investors said that among his clients, Mr. Madoff was considered a money-management legend; they would joke that if Mr. Madoff was a fraud, he'd take down half the world with him."

Bramdean Alternatives in the U.K. 9% of portfolio.

Banque Benedict Hentsch, Geneva-based private bank, $47.5 million.

Nomura and Neue Privat Bank. "Marketed access to Fairfield Sentry Ltd., a fund overseen by Mr. Madoff and sold through Fairfield Greenwich. The shares offered by Neue Privat and Nomura were leveraged three times -- meaning $3 of borrowed money was added to every $1 of capital invested in order to magnify returns, greatly increasing the potential losses for those investors." (WSJ)

Unicredit. The Italian firm had unspecified amount with Madoff via its Dublin-based Pioneer alt-asset group. (MarketWatch)

Sen. Frank Lautenberg. Unspecified (Newsday).

Robert Lappin Foundation in Massachusetts closed its doors today and is citing relationship to Maddoff fund. $8MM foundation plus personal holdings. Foundation supported Jewish organizations throughout North Shore of Massachusetts. (source: Jewish Journal)

Wunderkinder Foundation, a Steven Spielberg charity. In the past the foundation "appears to have invested a significant portion of its assets with Mr. Madoff, based on regulatory filings. In 2006, the Madoff firm accounted for roughly 70% of the foundation's interest and dividend income, according to regulatory filings. A representative of Mr. Spielberg confirmed that the foundation has suffered losses on its investments with the Madoff firm. He said he didn't know the size of the losses and couldn't comment further, including on whether Mr. Spielberg had any of his own money invested with the Madoff firm." WSJ

BNP Paribas. "BNP Paribas's exposure, the extent of which is not clear, may stem from BNP's lending relationship with a fund of funds that was a big Madoff client, said people familiar with the matter. A BNP spokeswoman declined to comment." WSJ: BNP, France's largest bank by market value, said it could lose as much as 350 million euros as a result of the alleged fraud. The bank said it has no investment of its own in the hedge funds managed by Bernard Madoff Investment Services. BNP Paribas, however, said it is exposed to these funds through its trading business and lending to hedge funds that had invested in Madoff's funds.

Ira Rennert. Vicky Ward of Vanity Fair, said on CNBC."Heavily, heavily invested."

Englebardt family of Los Angeles. (Reader)

Swiss private bank Reichmuth & Co. "said its clients had an exposure of some 385 million Swiss francs to Madoff funds. The bank said Reichmuth Matterhorn, a fund that invests in other hedge funds, faced a potential loss of about 8.6% on its exposure to Madoff. That amount represented about 3.5% of the 11 billion Swiss Francs Reichmuth & Co. has under management, the bank said." (WSJ)

Union Bancaire Privee. UBP spokesman said the bank's clients have "limited" losses related to Madoff, but wouldn't be more specific or comment further. (WSJ)

EIM Group, the European investment manager with about $11 billion in assets, had a number of non-U.S. investors into funds overseen by Mr. Madoff, according to people familiar with the matter. Overall, EIM assets at risk are less than 2% of what it manages, which means losses could top $200 million. (WSJ).

UBS: ""Very limited" direct exposure to the Madoff funds...But the Zurich-based bank's wealth-management arm helped clients in Europe and possibly elsewhere invest with Mr. Madoff, according to investment professionals in Europe who spoke with some of these clients. UBS is currently reviewing its clients' exposure to Mr. Madoff's funds, according to the person familiar with the matter. The person said the funds weren't on UBS's list of "recommended" investments for its U.S. clients, but that they may have been among the firm's suggested investments for overseas clients." (WSJ)

Stephen A. Fine, president of Biltrite Corp. (Reader)

Avram and Carol Goldberg, former owners of the Stop & Shop supermarket chain (Reader)

Helfman family of Miami. (Reader)

Saul Katz, co-owner of the New York Mets.

Irwin Kellner, of Port Washington. (Reader)

Carl and Ruth Shapiro, donors to Brandeis University, and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. The Boston Globe reported on Saturday that the Shapiro family foundation lost almost half its money, or about $145 million.

Fairfield County, Connecticut. Bloomberg: First Selectman Ken Flatto and other elected officials in Fairfield, Connecticut, thought the 58,000- person town’s pension fund was holding up well amid the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. The 18 percent decline in total assets since the end of June looked smart compared with the 31 percent plunge in the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index, and total assets of $286 million left a cushion over the $270 million of estimated liabilities. Flatto’s mood darkened yesterday when he heard Bernard Madoff, a Wall Street executive who oversaw $42 million of the assets, had been arrested and charged with fraud. “We classified this on our portfolio as one of the more conservative investments,” Flatto said in an interview. “You rely on your experts and your managers to be honest.”

Various Boston families: The Boston Globe.

More as we get them...
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aquart Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-08 08:27 PM
Response to Original message
1. North Shore/LIJ Hospital...shit.
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monmouth Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-08 08:28 PM
Response to Original message
2. The Jewish community has been hit very hard by this by another Jew...
Edited on Mon Dec-15-08 08:40 PM by monmouth
This must be heartbreaking. Not a laughing matter by any means.
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KoKo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-08 08:31 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. It's not only Jews ....there are others...Amazing all the Theater Groups/Charities and the Rest...
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Raksha Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-08 08:43 PM
Response to Reply #3
6. No, not ONLY Jews, but I skimmed the list
and couldn't help but notice a lot of Jewish names--a lot of prominent individuals and families too. I guess it's "natural" that as a Jew himself, Madoff would have preyed on other Jews since they were an integral part of his network. It's still disgusting, though...they must be feeling pretty betrayed about now.
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susu369 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-08 08:39 PM
Response to Original message
4. Whoa
"Two of his investors said that among his clients, Mr. Madoff was considered a money-management legend; they would joke that if Mr. Madoff was a fraud, he'd take down half the world with him."
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sarcasmo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-08 08:42 PM
Response to Original message
5. Kick and Bookmarked. What the hell is Mort Zuckermans charitable trust doing investing money?
Edited on Mon Dec-15-08 08:44 PM by sarcasmo
You really have to research who your donating to now days. On edit: Steven Spielbergs foundation caught up in this too, can someone please explain to me why a charity invest money?
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Gin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-08 08:51 PM
Response to Reply #5
7. heard a man on NPR today say he didn't think one man was responsible for all of this
even though he took all the blame...and he wondered where the money went...time will's sad that all of those folks lost all of that money
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sarcasmo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-08 09:00 PM
Response to Reply #7
8. Shouldn't it be illegal for someone to invest your donation?
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KoKo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-08 09:13 PM
Response to Reply #5
9. My understanding is that they donate the income on the investments to the charity.
Edited on Mon Dec-15-08 09:16 PM by KoKo01
It's a way of keeping the money for a long time but just investing the principle to earn interest or earn dividends, so that the money can grow but a certain portion is always given to charity. Otherwise the original money wouldn't go as far. It works well when one can make interest on a fortune that investment income interest allows huge payouts to charities of choice by the Investor...but in hard times like we've had since Clinton it got harder and harder to get any interest so folks took chances.

Just like most of us can't make any money in a Savings Account or even CD's to keep up with inflation and the rest...those folks searched for "higher returns" to be able to keep donating and to keep their tax deduction for their charity.

So...Bernie was it for them. Our system is so screwed that even the Wealthy amongst us have to go with CROOKS to earn some income to be able to donate to charity.

What does that say about our society?

EDIT: Sorry..screwed up OP with some typo's and just fixed it.
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HillbillyBob Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-08 09:19 PM
Response to Reply #5
11. Many big charities use the investment of their capital to
be able to do more by taking out the interest /profits paid for larger good works.
It is sort of part of the package. It normally protects and increases the principle moneys and no it is not unlawful to invest charitable donations. There are laws and rules covering what kind of investments.
I don't know a great deal about it, but having been round the money crowd some of it was explained to me.
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KoKo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-16-08 07:36 PM
Response to Reply #5
13. Mort is out there on the Cables Today saying he only lost 10% of his Charity....
Who knows what the truth of it is. I imagine his "PR Person" has got the whole script there for him so that his investors don't panic. :eyes: I imagine quite a few others have their "PR TEAM" working 24/7 to make sure they don't pull the rest of their money out of charities and other good works over Madoff.

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nc4bo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-08 09:13 PM
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10. oh my god and there's more? Stunning - I'm speechless. nt
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KoKo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-08 09:19 PM
Response to Reply #10
12. They still haven't tracked down all of those who lost money, yet. 54 Billion
Edited on Mon Dec-15-08 09:21 PM by KoKo01
it's looking like was lost. So far only about 25 Bil have been accounted for by those who admit they lost it or the early list from the Court Document that many are combing through in the Media.

So far, it seems only the BIG LOSERS are listed. There are many small donors in Florida and elsewhere that lost in the millions...but their names aren't ones folks would care about because they aren't famous. :-( Some of Bernie's country club friends who were just "ordinary" retirees who made some money for their retirement after years of owning businesses that he managed to steal from.. :-(
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