From what you said about NYC, I'm assuming you are in New York State and UHG has had serveral run ins with the state or New York(back when Spitzer was AG - it was one of the reasons I liked him) none of which ended happily for UHG.
Also, if you can find a way (and don't mind doing it), go public. Several years ago in Minnesota a breast cancer patient and her lawyer managed to shame her insurance company into paying for reconstruction on her remaining breast. She had had a mastectomy and the insurance company would pay to reconstruct the missing breast, but they wouldn't pay to even it things out. So this woman was going to wind up with a "perky" breast and a 50 something breast - totally asymetrical and, as a 50-something woman I say totally unacceptable. The other major insurance companies in the state would pay for this kind of surgery and, after all the bad press they got, so did hers.
This is just another example of why we need a system that will allow doctors to make treatment decisions.