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Why I'd Like Caroline Kennedy in Congress....

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (1/22-2007 thru 12/14/2010) Donate to DU
catnhatnh Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-16-08 03:13 AM
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Why I'd Like Caroline Kennedy in Congress....
Because Bushes have been nearly continuously represented as national figures since before my birth. Because they have attempted coups against our government from both within and without and never has it cost them a dime or public opprobium.. Because a Kennedy may have been a rumrunner but never a Nazi Financier....

Because being a young Bush was a path to unearned schools and businesses and ties to clandestine operations and easy non-Vietnam slots.Because being a Bush means no charges for treason, but instead a seat in congress, or because reporting a threat to a sitting president an hour after he is killed later translates to running the CIA and the VP slot and the Presidency, and because that means that oil companies that find no oil prosper thru Saudi funds tied to the family of Osama Bin Laden...

But that being a Kennedy means Dad is shot in the head at an early age and having to be perfect in black and white on TV....That one less uncle means nothing when he is cut down 5 years later....That another Uncle becomes the Democratic Lion of the Senate for over 30 years...that a senator relative dies and that then the Uncle faces brain cancer....And that in every one of those 45 years since our president was killed we have looked always to have a Kennedy as our hope.

So tell me just one more time why Jeb Bush, already tied to scandal is viable and Caroline Kennedy, never tied to theft is dynastic fluff. Each are iconastic in their symbolism and their potential effect.

I know which legacy I'd like to see continued.
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