I would agree with you if it were Paterson's niece being the only person considered, and if she had no valid/related experience while named front-runners vying for the position... did (I am not hearing a lot of other names, viable or otherwise).
Kennedy's dad was president once. He's not now. Her living uncle is a legendary, iconic Senator with what seems to be an equal number of supporters and protesters. Her deceased uncle is part of history. I don't think it's fair to label Caroline Kennedy - positively or negatively - with the work, history, ideology, agenda or character of anyone other than her. Certainly, she's been influenced by her relatives throughout her life, just like everyone else, and like everyone else, she's found that she agrees with them sometimes, I imagine, and disagrees with them sometimes too.
I don't know about you, but I am not my dad, or my brother or my uncle, and the idea that I would be categorized as something simply because of them or their actions makes me giggle. Think about it... are you - or do you - represent your father's/uncle's/other uncle's ideas fully and completely? I'd be fascinated by anyone who could actually back up such a statement... I find it hard to imagine. But since we have our own idea of what the brand "Kennedy" means, we think it's safe to assume that whoever wears it should fit our standard - including disqualification because the name is too famous and an unfair advantage.
Because someone has a famous name means that the generalization is somehow more - or less - legitimate? Does that really make sense?
I'd have to say that if you switched Caroline Kennedy with Paris Hilton (personality, resume, character, experience, etc.) I'd have to say that it would be absurd to consider Kennedy as a viable candidate and I would cringe in disbelief if Paterson appointed her anyway. I think a lot of people would have large problems with that... (or, not to target Hilton unfairly, choose anyone else with equally contradictory experience or lack thereof).
If Kennedy had zero experience, zero integrity, zero achievement, zero affiliation with NY, I'd find the idea of her wanting the seat not too plausible. But given what I consider high marks in these categories, Kennedy is not that much of a stretch. She hasn't "campaigned" on her name - ever. She hasn't exploited it... ever. She had to be persuaded to get involved, and she only did so because she saw someone and something extraordinary... and not only did he have no name recognition to begin with, but his middle name was the same as the dictator who's country we chose to overthrow and a very nasty dude at that...!
Kennedy does not - at least not to me - seem to be acting out of opportunism or entitlement. Quite the contrary, in my view. It seems as though she had deliberately chosen to stay out of politics - until it really mattered to her. Now, of course, I'm speculating far and wide here, but that's the sort of thing I've heard and read, including Kennedy's own words - written and spoken. Personally I find that extraordinary - particularly as to what it says about the person who inspired her... she's not the only one, there are millions of us who agree with her. If I had a law degree, Constitutional expertise and a record of contributing so much to NY and it's public school system, I'd be hard pressed to not want to throw my hat in the ring... I've been inspired to get involved more than I ever dreamed, I think many of us have... is it fair to dismiss such a sense of obligation to someone else just because they actually qualify for higher office when all we may have qualified for is flyer distributor or local phone-bank coordinator? Neither of these efforts are less important, in fact that work a million times over got our guy elected... but isn't it a little unfair to say that one is not allowed to be inspired if the job is of state - or national importance? I don't get that... but I get confused easily, so there you go.
So far, I'm impressed with Kennedy, but it has nothing to do with her name or her relatives. I think I say that honestly, but I am aware that she has fame where others don't. I hope I don't judge her based on that - with any weight undeserved. I don't think she is due a free ride for it and I don't think she should be dismissed for it either, or anything in between. I like what she's done with her life, and I like why she wants to be a part of the process. I find her reasons have merit and integrity, and I think that is in itself a valuable rarity worth appreciating. She may or may not be the best person for the job, and she may or may not be chosen. But given the reasons I've just touched on, I think we could do a lot worse and I'm optimistic about her priorities should she be the one Paterson decides upon.
I don't have the sense that there is entitlement going on here - if there were I think we'd have seen evidence of it way before this... no?