RUSH: Let me ask you about the economy and the future, where we're headed here. As I mentioned earlier, there's a great deal of fear and uncertainty because it appears to just the average American that all of these institutions that had a lot of money, including the government, don't really have it. And many people alive today, Mr. Vice President, have never lived through something like this, which is why the press can get away with comparing what's happening now to the Great Depression, when it isn't. But still, you know, everything is relative, and these are frightful times. People don't understand where we're getting the money to bail out all of these entities that don't have the money that everybody thought that they had. What would you say to them?
THE VICE PRESIDENT: Well, the financial situation in particular has been especially difficult because of what happened on a global basis, really. It's not just a US problem, but we ended up with a crisis in which the financial system came close to just freezing up. Nobody was able to borrow any money, and the wheels of commerce started to screech to a stop, and obviously we're in a serious recession now, in part as a result of that financial crisis. I think the approach we've taken -- that is, to provide liquidity to the banking system working through Treasury and a program authorized by the Congress as well as the work that the Federal Reserve has been doing -- is taking us in the right direction. I think we're beginning to see signs that it's had a positive effect and that a lot of these problems will pass. But obviously there's still a lot of work to be done out there, and we're still faced with the aftermath of a lot of this for the next several months. It's a problem Obama administration is going to have to deal with.