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I feel safe - "Confirmed: Air Force Falls Short in Third Nuke Test"

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Are_grits_groceries Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-16-08 11:38 AM
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I feel safe - "Confirmed: Air Force Falls Short in Third Nuke Test"
Now, it's confirmed. The Air Force has indeed blown a third test of its nuclear handling capabilities, as Danger Room first reported over the weekend. In a memo, the Air Force confirmed that the 90th Missile Wing at F.E. Warren Air Force Base "rated unsatisfactory" on its nuclear surety inspection. Testers found fault with the missile unit's "management and administration," as well as its "tools, tests, tie-down and handling equipment."

In recent years, critics charge, the Air Force has grown increasingly sloppy in how it maintains, protects, and operates its nuclear weapons. That's a nerve-wracking developing, when we're talking about weapons that could destroy an entire city. After a series of atomic mishaps, the Air Force's top civilian and uniformed leaders were sacked. A total of 15 leading officers (including six generals) were disciplined. Nuclear surety inspections are now being graded much more harshly.

Now, the tests are so harsh, none of the Air Force's wings seems able to pass them. As the Project on Government Oversight notes, "this is the third Air Force nuclear unit to fail an inspection this year, and moreover, it now means that all three missile bases with deployed land-based Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) -- Minot, Malstrom, and now Warren -- have failed their security tests."

Let's review: the 5th missile wing at Minot Air Force Base failed a security test in May; officers removed classified nuclear missile components from the base in August; the 341st missile wing at the Malstrom Air Force Base failed a security test last month, and in August 2006, the Air Force accidentally sent a shipment of classified ballistic missile components to Taiwan.

"Handling nuclear weapons –- the most powerful and destructive instruments in the arsenal of freedom – is a tremendous responsibility," told the missileers at Minot earlier this month. "There is simply no room for error."

Why worry about Russia or Al Qaeda because it looks we're going to nuke ourselves?
Is anybody in charge of anything anymore??
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