Lawyers For Norm And Laurie Coleman
By Zachary Roth - December 16, 2008, 11:05AM
So Norm Coleman has hired a lawyer in connection with the claims made in the lawsuit against his longtime supporter Nasser Kazeminy. And so has Coleman's wife, Laurie.
But notice that the Colemans hired separate lawyers. That suggests that, perhaps prompted by the news that the FBI is now involved, the Minnesota senator and his wife are taking these allegations very seriously indeed.
Laurie Coleman is central to the allegations involving her husband. The lawsuit claims that Kazeminy used a company he owns, Deep Marine Technologies, to pass money to Norm Coleman, by making payments to the insurance broker, Hays Insurance, that employs Laurie Coleman.
The hiring of separate lawyers could also mean that the Colemans' interests in the case diverge. But we'll have to wait to see how this plays out before drawing any firmer conclusions...