Edited on Tue Dec-16-08 01:35 PM by louis c
Here's my comparison. I am the elected Business Manager of a small local union in Boston. I represent about 200 members. I make a small stipend ($750 a month) as the union Rep while I work my job for the company. The local has an elected Treasurer ($230 a month) and a Financial Secretary ($300 a month), also fellow employees. Every 3 years the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) audits our books. Every year we need an independent audit and we file it with the NLRB. We take in about $60,000 in dues a year and make about $55,0000 a year in expenditures. I actually like the system of accountability because it shines light on our work and gives the members confidence in the union. After all, it's their money. However, to have to produce toll receipts of $1.50 to federal auditors shows how thorough we have to be. I know a lot of small unions have trouble electing qualified people for Treasurer and Financial Secretary because the reward does not match the risk. A single honest error can result in serious trouble. For 9 years, all under the Bush NLRB, I have scrupulously kept detailed records. We have eliminated mileage, gas, meals and cell phone reimbursements to officers because the record keeping just is not worth it. I have gone to union sponsored seminars that warned us of how detailed and vigilant we needed to be on even the most mundane of expenses.
I mention this because I can not believe that the NLRB can be so thorough in their requirements and the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) could be so lackadaisical in their oversight of investment houses. God help me if I can't produce a toll receipt, properly dated and recorded, but Bernie Madoff can swindle clients out of fifty billion dollars ($50,000,000,000) over the same 9 years. That's incredible to me and just shows you where the Bush Administration's priorities were for the past eight years.