Virtually every financial "reporter" on all the financial cable channels and print media.
They were all shocked - shocked, I tell you - when the housing market collapsed.
They were all shocked - shocked, I tell you - when the equities market collapsed.
They were all shocked - shocked, I tell you - when this Madoff guy was busted.
They are always shocked. Then they change their tunes. "I knew he was dirty" says that Gasparino dickhead.
Take all your money and put it under your mattress says that screeching moron, Jim Cramer.
Look pretty and do lots of gust shots that say nothing but the fucking obvious, like that airheaded Erin Burnett.
Blame the victims like Larry Kudlow.
These fucks are just cheerleaders for the well monied. They're hoping for a weekend at Jack Welch's Nantucket bungalow.
These guys were supposed to be the canary in the mine shaft. Instead, they're preening peacocks in zoo.

Our financial media in the graveyard that was America