As Jon Stewart has said, "Oh tax cuts... is there anything you can't fix?"
Stop the presses, Bush has a new master plan for GOP world re-domination. Drum roll, please......
Tax Cuts! In your face,
economic stimulus package!
Here's an interesting summary of a Bush interview from
firedoglake. Guess what Bush thinks will help the GOP bring (old, white men) sexy back?
Dismissing any notion that the country’s political center has shifted after the Democratic routs in 2006 and 2008, Bush turns to the Center-Right Nation canard in his interview with RCP.
"I still think we're a right-of-center country," the President responded when asked whether the election offered proof that the ideological center of the country had shifted to the left.
And why do you say that, George?
"I think most Americans want their government to be effective, results-oriented, efficient," the President said.
Yes they do, which is why they keep voting against Republicans, President Katrinaburton. But does Bush really think center-left voters want their government to be ineffective, wasteful and inefficient?
What else ya got, George?
"They would like to pay as little a tax as possible. They want their military to be strong, viable, and effective. They want their public leaders to promote personal responsibility by living responsible lives. Most people are - from the cultural side, believe in an Almighty. The question is how you take those basic beliefs and explain them, either through policy or words, in a way where there's common understanding."
Stunning. It's literally like Bush is still living in the year 1999. The Almighty and personal responsibility? What about the economy, jobs, healthcare, energy independence, getting out of Iraq, the failed war in Afghanistan, etc., etc.? You know, the stuff Republicans keep losing elections on.
Overall, the President remained upbeat about his party's political future. "I've got confidence we'll come back, so long as we don't abandon the core principles that enable us to win when we're winning - which is low taxes, strong national defense."
The good news for Democrats is that Bush is articulating what the GOP’s Palin-Limbaugh base really believes. If only they get back to talking about tax cuts and terra and keepin' the gubmint outta the way -- with a little God talk sprinkled in for flavor -- they’ll be just fine.
Good luck with that.
At least one conservative can come up with an idea for party unification that doesn't start and end with hating gays and the UAW.