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Illinois Republicans running ads for IL special election

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SemiCharmedQuark Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-16-08 04:44 PM
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Illinois Republicans running ads for IL special election
Edited on Tue Dec-16-08 04:48 PM by SemiCharmedQuark
"Rod Blagojavich embarrassed IL. He tried to sell our senate seat. And now Blagojavich's Liutenant Governor Pat Quinn wants to hand pick our senator going back on his word. The people of Illinois deserve better than another political power grab. You deserve to be heard. You deserve a special election. Leaders, major newspapers and watchdog groups agree. It's time for a special election. Give the people's seat back to Illinois. Call your legislator. Tell them we want a special election. " It ends with a picture of Obama and a quote saying the seat belongs to the people of Illinois.

The hypocrisy abounds! We deserve better than "another political power grab" and yet that is EXACTLY what this is to the Republican party. They're trying to pick up a senate seat when we chose a Democrat to represent us. Best of all, they point out that Blagojavich embarrassed us, while at the same time state Republicans are lobbying to get Bush to pardon the last governor that embarrassed us: George Ryan.

I'm not opposed to a special election at all. I understand that it is necessary because nobody appointed will ever have the trust of the people. However, I find the new ads the Republicans are running here pretty galling.
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global1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-16-08 06:09 PM
Response to Original message
1. The Vultures Are Circling..............
The Repugs are taking advantage of the situation and I just hope there aren't that many people that would vote Repug. I'm wondering how a special election would work anyway. Would there have to be a primary first to pick just one Dem and one Repug or can anybody throw their hat in the ring? If all that want the Senate seat are on the ballot - would a simple majority of votes win it for them? or would they have to get 50+ percent?

I'm hoping that Blago gets dumped somehow or is impeached and then let Pat Quinn (Lt.Gov) take over and name the replacement.

When I first heard of the Blago 'Sell The Senate Seat Scheme' I immediately thought of Jim Oberweis and that he would go so far as changing parties and make Blago an offer.

I always thought that Oberweis would do anything to get his way into a political office. He's got the money and wants in - in the worse way. How many times has he run and lost now? How much money has he spent? Paying Blago off would be cheap in comparison.

And based on how crazy Blago is - I'm sure he would consider the offer even if it was a Repug if it was the highest bidder. Blago's not a big Obama fan anyway I even think Blago would be crazy enough to appoint a Repug if he felt it further his career in anyway.
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KamaAina Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-16-08 07:17 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. If just anyone could throw their hat in the ring...
we could easily end up with six or seven Dems and, say, Oberweis. And if a plurality (most votes, but not necessarily 50%) wins -- say hello to Sen. Oberweis (R-Shameless Opportunist). :puke:
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47of74 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-16-08 06:18 PM
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2. Unfortunately it's not surprising.
Republicans have neither shame or honor.
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jmowreader Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-16-08 07:23 PM
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4. If Pat Quinn was a Republican, they'd be behind him 100 percent
"How dare those filthy Democrats want a Special Election. Don't they know it's the divine right of the governor to select Barack Hussein Obama's replacement?
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