Mice or Men?Bush is offering to let his maid Harriet and his crooked brain Karl talk to congress
IF it's without being under oath and behind closed doors.
CNN says the Democrats are "huddling" to see how they might respond.
I suggest they respond with a giant, "Fuck that."
This is where the Demo-cowards really need me.
First, they should tell Bush to GFY and tell him to shove his offer.
They should demand that Miers and Rove show up to be sworn in or face the subpoenas.
NOBODY will give the Bush bastards the benefit of the doubt on this one.
They lied and lied and lied and now they want to talk without being under oath
so they can lie and lie and lie without any penalty? No fucking way!
Then they should start the taunting.
"Why can't the Bush administration tell us what happened under oath?
What do they have to hide that they can't be sworn in?
Clinton had to be sworn in and his testimony was shown on TV again and again and
that was about his personal life - not the crimes committed in our name with our money.
What do the Bush bastards have to hide? Why can't they just tell us the truth under oath?"
It's so easy!!Third graders do it every day - why can't the Democrats figure anything out?
It's so easy!!Just keep repeating "What do they have to hide?
Why can't they be under oath when they tell us what happened?
Are they refusing because they plan to lie to us again?"
It's so easy!!Another thing: No pre-conditions.
None of this bullshit where "You can ask about this but you can't ask about that."
Screw you - this will be as wide open as Kenneth Starr's witchhunt.
It's so easy!!If Bush refuses just remember that time is on OUR side.
Every day, for weeks and weeks, just keep repeating "What do they have to hide?
Why can't they be under oath when they tell us what happened?
Are they refusing because they plan to lie to us again?"
It's so easy!!Bush will claim "Executive privilege," but who will buy that?
Even if it meets the standards for EP, everyone will assume Bush is just lying again.
It's so easy!!Will the Democrats cave in?
Like they've done hundreds of times before?Or will they stand up and do their damn jobs and
slap the most unpopular politician in modern history?