Looking at the export # without the import # is useless.
The US exports oil so we must not import any right?
We exports some but import more so we are NET importer of oil.
Jan. 15 (Bloomberg) -- China, the world's biggest user and producer of coal, increased purchases of the fuel from overseas by 34 percent last year as its economy expanded.
Imports rose to 51 million metric tons last year from 38.24 million tons in 2006, the Beijing-based Customs General Administration of China said today. China ended 2007 a net exporter of 2.2 million tons of coal after shipping 53.2 million tons abroad.
``It is expected,'' said Shanghai-based Donovan Huang, a coal analyst with Nomura Securities. ``The underlying trend is what's important, we're seeing a sharp drop in exports.'' He expects China to be a net importer of 15 million tons of coal in 2008.
China, the fastest-growing major economy, became a net importer of coal for the first time in January last year, cutting shipments to Asian customers and worsening a shortage of the fuel in the region. Consumption, spurred by global economic growth, has outpaced gains in output from Australia and Indonesia.
Newcastle thermal coal prices, an Asian benchmark, jumped to a record $91.77 a ton in the week ended Jan. 4 because of port and rail bottlenecks in Australia and after China increased imports of the fuel.
China imported 4.3 million tons in December compared with 4.41 million tons in the same month a year earlier, it said.
http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601089&sid=af4BpuIx2fQc&refer=chinaSo IF the US (where at least moderate environmental restrictions exist) completely stopped burning coal. Global prices would fall and fall hard. IT would be cheaper for china to focus on coal as a larger % of their energy needs.
So the "dirtiest" country to be burning the "dirtiest" fuel at highest rate ever seen.
I am sure that is going to be good for overall global pollution.