Dear Friends,
Today Al Gore testified before Congress on the issue of global warming, and the New York Times carried this as their lead story. This is a crucial time for us to make a bold statement about the need for Gore candidacy. When Al Gore makes news, we get ten times more visitors than normal -- including media. Let's impress them with the biggest petition possible and take some bold actions. Today. Together. Please join us.
There are four things we'd like to ask of you. Please take a few minutes to read this. It's never been more important than now.
1. Forward the petition link to at least one friend (hopefully more) 2. Make a contribution - we can't do it without you! 3. Ask DFA to include Al Gore in their presidential poll. Their endorsement hangs on this. 4. Write Al Gore -- his birthday is 3/31.
We currently have more than 61,000 signatures on the petition. For a petition of its kind it's enormous. (Most similar petitions get stuck at 3,000 or less.) But for us to demonstrate the strength of our movement, we need to double this number now, and then aim for far more in the months ahead.
And it's easy if you all forward the link ( to as many people as you can -- friends, neighbors, coworkers. Or tell them to visit and sign the petition. It can make a huge difference. We rely on you.
For each one of us there are millions of Americans who would love to join this movement but don't know we're here. They will never find us unless we advertise. Ads are the biggest expense of a campaign. Right now we cannot afford to reach large audiences beyond internet activists. With YOUR help we will take out big ads that will tell the world Draft Gore has arrived. you can afford will make a big differenc. Your dollars COUNT. And for each contribution you'll receive a beautiful color bumpersticker. You can pay either by check or securely and quickly online through either ActBlue (the Democratic fundraiser) or by PayPal.
Democracy for America is running a poll right now asking people to pick a candidate for 2008. Based on this poll they could make an endorsement. To our disappointment, Al Gore is NOT included in the poll. The DFA membership is extremely Gore friendly. If Gore were included, he'd win in an instant. Please write to DFA and ask them to include Gore in their presidential poll. You can do it by taking the poll and selecting "other" for the candidate, or by writing them directly. Here are the links: BIRTHDAY LETTER
Al Gore's birthday is coming up on March 31. This is the perfect time to write him a letter to send him your wishes and tell him why you think it's so important that he run for president. Here's his address (sorry, no email ... same thing, with a stamp ;-)
The Office of the Honorable Al Gore
2100 West End Avenue
Suite 620
Nashville, TN 37203
Thank you very much for your continued support,
Draft Gore