Edited on Fri Dec-19-08 02:44 AM by silverojo
No, I'm not homophobic. Yes, I believe gays and lesbians deserve the right to marry. I hate Warren, and think Obama's an idiot to deal with him at all.
But we need to get real, and prioritize.
It doesn't matter if one is gay OR straight...marriage is far less urgent than so many more issues facing us today.
We need to fix our economy first, or else there will be nothing left for ANYONE to have, no matter what sexual persuasion you are.
People are dying from lack of health care. When it comes between a dying person, and someone (gay OR straight) wanting to get married, the dying person comes first.
When a country is in as big a mess as ours is, you have to fix the "basic needs" issues first, THEN work on social issues.
I'm NOT saying Obama did the right thing, nor am I being an apologist for him. I'm just saying that we, as Democrats, are letting one issue sidetrack us from the urgent life-or-death issues that are facing us.
Case in point: Everyone's pissed about Warren, because he's homophobic. But he's also sexist and anti-Semitic. WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE ABOUT HIS BELIEFS ABOUT WOMEN AND JEWS? This is what I mean, about people here being too focused on just one issue, and not the big picture. Homophobia is just one of "Reverend" Warren's bigoted beliefs. Can we please show some concern about his bigotry toward women and Jews?
The passage of Prop 8 has (mistakenly) made everybody think that, somehow, this will prevent gay marriage forever. All civil rights movements faced setbacks. They are to be expected, not received with the shock and dismay that Prop 8 has. A setback is NOT a defeat! It just means that more effort and time is required, to reach a goal. Please, try to be patient and understand that justice WILL eventually prevail.
Right now, there are issues that need to be dealt with IMMEDIATELY. Jobs must be created right away. Medical care must be given to everyone as soon as legally possible. Foreclosure evictions must be stopped before homelessness reaches epic proportions. These are issues that mean the difference between people living and dying. Things that must be dealt with NOW.
Gay/lesbian marriage WILL happen. Don't ever lose faith. The Prop 8 disaster only happened because of confusing wording. The American people become increasingly more tolerant, and THAT'S why the Right has become so radical.
Consider how long the Far Right has worked to gain power. I remember in the late 1970's, Fundie organizations advertised in TV Guide. WKRP in Cincinnati even had an episode about a Jerry Falwell type character trying to ban records. They've been working for about 30 years, toward their goals.
That's why we, as Democrats, can't allow this sort of hysterical dismay to make us lose sight of the big picture. We must keep working as hard as the Far Right does, to defeat their bigotry.
I know that's precisely why the selection of Warren is so offensive to us. But the bigotry isn't just about gays, when they hate women, hate Jews, hate people of other religions...anyone who isn't just like them.
So we need to be complaining about ALL these issues, to show people how truly offensive Rev. Warren is. He's not just homophobic...he's an equal-opportunity bigot.
I'm the first to say that Obama really f***ed up on this one. No, we can't forgive him for being so stupidly, overly eager to reach out to the Right. But we do need to support him on all the other issues that are of desperate urgency.
Because if we don't get this country back on track, we'll all be too sick, broke, and starving to fight for ANY issue...including gay marriage.
P.S. -- Before anyone accuses me of being homophobic, be aware that I'm a lesbian. I simply realize that averting a depression is the #1 priority issue in this country right now.