What seems so strange to me, is the constant presence of religion in US politics. There has to be an "invocation", then a "benediction". Also, the so called "gay marriage debate" is nothing but yet another intrusion of religion in government. Marriage is a secular institution (at City Hall). Religious marriages are only valid in the eyes of people who embrace that particular religion.
I think it is perfectly OK for religious fanatics to be against gay marriage. But it is absolutely not OK for democratic institutions to reflect the views of any religion in particular. Just like I think it is absurd to have a pastor of any kind give any kind of religious blessing at the inauguration of a new president.
I was against Obama and McCain having to be publicly interviewed by Warren during the campaign. It was pandering to a specific type of Christians who have gained such power since Ronald Reagan, that we can't even fathom how much power they have.
The problem with Warren is not his views, but the fact that the US is still seeing itself as a "Christian Nation" (who follows everything BUT the actual principles laid out by Jesus who never planned on starting any religion at all, and who was unfairly given the death penalty by an occupation army!), who needs to invoke a particular God.
Oh, how I wish that someone would introduce a welcome change: the actual separation of Church and State! Or even a non-denominational spiritual intro would still be OK. Maybe Obama wants to introduce change slowly...but we can't be blind to the fact that between his Cabinet picks and the choice of Warren, so far it has been same old same old. I still can't figure out what is gained by inviting him, because I don't think there are "2 sides of the story" for intolerance and fanaticism, just like I don't think there are 2 sides to evolution vs. creationism.
The real test for Obama in my view, will be his actions regarding the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the withdrawal of troops and the removal of war profiteers who have taken the country away from the Iraqis. If he finds excuses to not proceed immediately (at least with the removal of profiteers), it'll be time to start marching again...no more throwing our shoes, just put them on to march! :)