George Bush and Dick Cheney have committed high crimes and misdemeanors, including misleading the nation into a war of aggression, spying in open violation of the law, and sanctioning the use of torture. A major
new campaign of public protest, creative dissent, media activism, education, and coordinated lobbying has been launched to pursue accountability for these crimes through the Constitutional remedy of impeachment.
But Congress still doesn't seem to get it. So we're calling on all Americans who stand for truth rather than lying, for freedom rather than spying, and for justice rather than torture to join us on April 28 in spelling it out for them. Literally.

Get a thousand friends to join you on the beach

Parade through the streets with giant letters
There will be protests in towns and cities all over the country. And everywhere people will be using signs, their bodies, chalk, or anything else they can think of to spell out IMPEACH! We invite everybody to start thinking about the most creative, spectacular, beautiful, and clever ways they can come up with to spell it out. In the coming days the A28 website will be expanded so that you can find actions near you,">start an action, and trade ideas. Other major updates are coming soon. For more information and announcements please join our e-mail list. If you'd like to help out,
please click here.
Participating Groups
After Downing Street
Backbone Campaign
Bostonians for the Overthrow of King George!
Center for Constitutional Rights
Citizens for Peace and Justice (Medford)
Citizens Impeachment Commission
Clothing of the American Mind
CODE PINK Women for Peace
Constitution Summer
Consumers for Peace
Democracy Rising
Desert Greens, Green Party of Utah
Gold Star Families for Peace
Green Party of the United States
Hip Hop Caucus
Impeach for Peace
Impeach the President
Independent Progressive Politics Network
Justice Through Music
Liberty Tree Foundation for Democratic Revolution
Military Free Zone
National Lawyers Guild
North Carolina Green Party
North Jersey Impeach Group
Patriotic Response to Renegade Govt
Peace & Justice Center of Sonoma County
People for Peace and Justice of Utah
Progressive Democrats of America
Rescue Our Democracy
Rude Mechanical Orchestra
Tampas Back Door For Impeachment of George Bush et al.
TomSongs Music and Film
Velvet Revolution
World Can't Wait
Supporting Groups
Jerry Pippin Productions
Ministry of Love
Progressive Blend Radio
Save the Bill of Rights Commission