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Media Matters: Matthews for Senate (?)

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LynneSin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-21-08 09:16 AM
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Media Matters: Matthews for Senate (?)
Edited on Sun Dec-21-08 09:20 AM by LynneSin
Media Matters: Matthews for Senate (?)
by Jamison Foser

Chris Matthews' interest in the Pennsylvania Senate seat currently held by Republican Arlen Specter raises the possibility of something that is all too rare among the nation's media elite: accountability.

It has long been clear that if we applied to journalists who cover politics the standards they purport to apply to politicians -- truthfulness, judgment, being in touch with regular Americans, and so on -- many of them would fare quite poorly.

Few journalists are as aggressive as Chris Matthews in purporting to speak for average voters -- or as quick to declare (liberal) politicians to be out of touch with those voters. And few have his track record of failing to live up to the standards he sets for politicians, particularly Democrats. But there is no real accountability in cable news -- no matter how often Matthews is wrong on the facts, or how frequently he offends the concepts of fairness and rational thought, there are rarely consequences.

True, Matthews did have to apologize after a particularly offensive string of commentary about Hillary Clinton earlier this year, though given his long track record of misogynistic comments, it is clear he got off easy even then -- particularly in comparison to his colleague David Shuster, who was suspended after an inappropriate comment of his own. Shuster likely paid the price not only for his own nasty remark about Clinton, but for his more famous colleague's long string of sexist commentary as well. As long as Matthews stops short of Imus-level offensiveness, MSNBC seems quite happy to continue broadcasting his false claims and inane commentary.

Should he run for the Senate, however, Matthews might finally have to answer for his dubious track record. And he'll have to do so outside of his comfortable cocoon of fellow Beltway journalists and political insiders who are too eager to get invited back to ever truly challenge him on his cable program. Indeed, he'll have to do so while facing the very "regular Americans" he has caricatured so grotesquely over the years.


Hosting Ann Coulter in July 2006, Matthews told her, "You write beautifully," adding, "You have a brilliant brain." He described her as "the picture of heaven." Then Coulter called former Vice President Al Gore a "total fag," and Matthews ended the interview by saying of Coulter, "We'd love to have her back."

This is what we want for a US Senator calling himself a democrat? This is acceptable? What, Ed Rendell does a poll saying Matthews could win - a poll done 18 months before there is an election - and we're suppose to say "OK" (which if those polls are correct then Bob Casey Jr. should be the Pennsylvania Governor because polls in 2000 said Casey was a shoo-in. I guess Rendell ignored those).

I for one think Pennsylvania can do a hell of alot better when it comes to candidates - democrats who actually support the democratic party and it's ideas - not suck up to republicans and their ilk. I've heard that Joe Sestak might run. I've also heard Allyson Schwartz might run - but whomever runs in the primaries you better believe I will campaign tirelessly to get that person elected (I hope that Allyson and Joe don't both run - they might cancel each other out).

But anyone who is so desperate to have Chris Matthews as their senator well I hope you think Joe Lieberman is a good sort of fellow because that's what you'll get as a senator. Someone who jumps on the bandwagon of whomever is popular at that time whether or not it's good for our country. Chris should stick with what he knows best and that's being a vocal shrill for M$NBC.
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Captain Hilts Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-21-08 09:28 AM
Response to Original message
1. This guy LOVES Bush and hates many Dems and is a sexist jerk, yet...
folks here love him.
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LynneSin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-21-08 09:38 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. A few folks here love him - I think I did a poll and it was 3 to 1 in support of someone else
but then again someone will jump on this thread and remind everyone that 20+ years ago I voted for Specter so clearly my judgment is biased (hey I wasn't into politics back then like I am today)

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Mist Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-21-08 09:47 AM
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3. I'd love to see Tweety run in the primaries--it would put him in touch with
the "real" Americans he claims to speak for, plus, in a failing economy, they'd kick his in-the-bubble, beltway ass out of the state. In other words, entertaining for many, educational for Tweety.
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UTUSN Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-21-08 10:15 AM
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4. The few here who love him don't appear to have monitored him in years
Edited on Sun Dec-21-08 10:41 AM by UTUSN
They hark back to soon after CARTER left office, or else they are very young and have just read his "credits" that he worked for CARTER, O'NEILL and others, but they haven't watched him smash Dems steadily since the FAKE impeachment.

His small claque repeats some canards endlessly:

* Yeah, he's bad on Dems but when he's good, he's very very good.

* He was against the war in Iraq.

* He was against the war in Iraq BECAUSE he has 5 draft age sons.

To repeat (as I have for years), the last time he was an identifiable Dem was circa 1988 when "Hardball" (the book) was published. In the hothouse of D.C., flunkies get whatever power and prestige from whether or not their bosses are successful, so Tweety came to worship RAYGUN for beating the pants off of his bosses. Then he followed fellow flunky G.E. RUSSERT into being a free agent. Yes, in his (defunct) newspaper columns he was against the war and more Demish, but his (low rated) cable performances reached more people and were Shrub-worshipful all the way. In the run-up to the Iraq Attack he was positively the biggest cheerleader, to the point of performing the execution of DONAHUE on DONAHUE's own show, sneering, "That's what's WRONG with you Liberals, you can't find anything good to say about this country!1" As for the canard about his sons, there was NO DRAFT.

He is a verbal bully, a physical coward, a misogynist, and an egomaniac. It might be that his flirting with running is only a ploy to get MSRNC to renew him without cutting his $5 million, but his egomania should not be underestimated, which could well lead him to end up his "exploratory phase" by saying, "I have to GIVE IN to running, to the WILL of all the people who WANT me to run!1" This would be the people in his head.

He is an EMPTY VESSEL, has no CORE beliefs. He worships only WHAT WINS, what LOOKS SUCCESSFUL.

Whew!1 Well, alRIGHTy then, *that* rant just bubbled up, now didn't it.
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LynneSin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-21-08 11:08 AM
Response to Reply #4
6. I have to agree with that statement
Edited on Sun Dec-21-08 11:08 AM by LynneSin
because, as I've mentioned, I voted for Specter way back when so somehow now I'm some sort of DINO/republican-lite troll of DU - at least to those who justify Matthews as a great candidate for a democratic senator.

I don't give a shit what someone did 20+ years ago - what have you done the last 5 years. I swore off Republicans after 2000 (although last one I voted for was 1994). Matthews has been tooting the republican whistle constantly these last 8 years. Sure he was on team Obama these last couple of months but only because it was pretty much destined that Obama was going to win the election so it was easy to support Obama/Bash McCain.
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fascisthunter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-21-08 10:16 AM
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5. I Remember Reading about That exchange with Coulter
how quickly others forget.
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