Monday, 22 December 2008
Energy Dept. Issues Decisions Today To Build New Nuclear Bomb Plants, Endanger CommunitiesTri-Valley CAREs Charges Department is "Locking in" Provocative Nuclear Weapons Decisions in Waning Days of Bush Administration; Calls on Government to Downsize Weapons Complex, Prioritize Removal of Bomb-making Materials from Livermore LabLIVERMORE – In Federal Register notices published today, the U.S. Dept. of Energy (DOE) National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) issued two legally-binding authorizations, called Records of Decision (RODs), to revitalize and rebuild the nuclear weapons complex, at Livermore Lab in California and other sites across the country.
The two RODs codify the DOE NNSA’s "preferred alternatives" laid out in the agency’s final Complex Transformation Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement, issued on October 24, 2008.
One ROD covers all of the agency’s "programmatic" decisions, defined as operations involving plutonium, uranium and assembly/disassembly of nuclear weapons. The other ROD covers 3 of 6 "project-specific" decisions, defined as tritium research and development (R&D), flight test operations, and major environmental test facilities to assess performance of nuclear weapons under varying conditions. The 3 "project-specific" decisions that await a ROD are high explosives R&D, hydrodynamic testing, and weapons support functions at the Sandia, Livermore site.
"What we are witnessing today is the DOE NNSA trying to lock in a provocative revitalization of the U.S. nuclear weapons complex in the waning days of the Bush Administration," charged Marylia Kelley, Executive Director of Tri-Valley CAREs and a close neighbor of Livermore Lab.
"The ROD issued for operations involving plutonium, uranium and weapons assembly/disassembly admits that DOE NNSA is not choosing the ‘environmentally preferable’ alternative," Kelley continued. "In plain English, the Bush Administration is putting our communities and environment at risk in order to implement its plans for new nuclear bomb plants and bomb making capabilities.Kelley continued, "The Bush Administration’s ‘preferred alternative’ for Complex Transformation runs counter to our genuine security. Moreover, the Complex Transformation strategy is explicitly tied to the Bush Administration’s 2001 nuclear posture review, which has been declared dead on arrival in the Obama Administration. These important decisions involving billions of tax dollars and our Nation’s nuclear policy objectives should not be made a scant month before President-elect Barack Obama takes office and brings in his own team and governing philosophy."
Under the DOE NNSA’s two RODs issued today, all eight active locations in the current nuclear weapons complex stand to remain open for further weapons activities. "This is in marked contrast to the 1990s when the nuclear weapons complex moved from twelve active bomb-making sites down to eight," remarked Kelley. "My organization calls for Livermore Lab to be used for civilian science missions like global warming research and energy independence rather than further development of new and militarily modified nuclear weapons."
"A record number of people, more than 100,000 strong, rose in opposition to the plan during the formal public comment period. Today, we are seeing the DOE brush aside the expressed wisdom and wishes of the people, many of whom live downwind and downstream of U.S. nuclear weapons facilities in California and across the country," said Kelley.
"Complex Transformation will adversely affect communities around the Livermore Lab main site in Livermore and its Site 300 high explosives testing range near Tracy," noted Tri-Valley CAREs’ Staff Attorney, Robert Schwartz. "It will mean continuing pollution and potential new dangers."
The same ROD also "green lights" a massive, new Uranium Processing Facility at Y-12 in TN . . .
read more:
Obama's Holdovers in Pentagon Leadership Still Pushing Hard for New Generation of Nuclear Weapons