21, 2008, 1:30 pm
By Hayley Graham
About 60 children paired each with a police officer flooded the toy section at Wal-Mart in Kankakee for the annual “Shop With a Cop” event Sunday. Foreclosures, the floods in Watseka and high unemployment have nearly doubled the number of homeless children this year — making Christmas a much harder season for many youngsters.
The event gave police another reason to come to someone’s rescue.
“It makes the officers feel good,” said Kankakee County Sheriffs Police chief of administration Jo Mulcahy.
“There’s a lot of needy families out there we see on a daily basis.”
The children bought gifts for themselves and took home boxes of food to their families — compliments of $6,000 Kankakee County Sheriffs Police have raised for the annual even over the past year. The event provided gifts for about 100 needy children, including some who were unable to shop on Sunday