and after the disastrous holidday season our retailers are bound to have I do expect that perhaps people will TRY to go back to the actual meaning of Christmas, a lot less hanukah, since it has not been commercialized as much.
But call me silly, our local mall is not empty, but it is not jumping either...
And yes, a lady, very religious, church going, tells me you know the reason for the season
I completed "is Macy's"
She was horrified for about thirty seconds until she realized why I said what I said... she bowed her head and said, "well nobody goes to church no more."
Then I explained to her the history of Christmas in the US, and the actual origin of the holiday in Festivus and other winter festivals going back easy 3000 years
Then she said, what about Hannukah?
YOu mean that MINOR holiday in the Jewish calendar that Madisson Ave has been trying to comercialize for years? Yeah, will do latkes one night, with a top, and some chocolate coins, maybe...
She acually thought it was a major holiday with a lot of gifts involved
So she asked about the every so mythical hanukah bush (which I am sure the parrots would love, I'd never get them out of there). So I explained to her the actual meaning of the evergreen, bringing life during the darkest day of the winter, to remind us that there is life... and that in the Middle East there are not enough trees for that.
So happy festivus everybody... and take cover....
The war on christmas rages on... and the true reason for the modern incarnation of this season is not doing well this year.
May all those workers at retail NOT loose their jobs when the sales are nowhere where they should be
Happy Holidays everybody, regardless of what you choose to celebrate or not...