Remember a few years ago when ESPN (I think it was) hired Limpballs to be part of their studio crew for their NFL pre-game show? It was after his bloated personage had been on the air a long time and he was pretty well identified as a creature of the right. So this was an attept to "mainstream" him, to repackage him as a regular guy. Of course, it lasted like three or four weeks before he just had to inject race into a discussion of Donvan McNabb, and that was that.
Anyway, I think what we're seeing now is an attempt to mainstream Warren and, more importantly, his brand of religion. Hell, I saw his book on Christmas on sale in a grocery store in the heart of West Hollywood. In essence, we're being presented with Rick Warren as the cute, cuddly face of dominionism.
I absolutely don't think that's Obama's purpose, mind you; I can't imagine he doesn't know what's been coming out of that goateed sanctimony-hole, but I don't believe he takes it that seriously, which is the basis of this, his first real blunder since he decided he wanted to be president. But I believe the Democratic party leadership as a whole must bear some of the blame; H. Clinton and Edwards also courted Warren during the primaries.
Warren hasn't self-destructed the way Limbaugh did - yet - becuase he hasn't come to believe his own hype as thoroughly. But I believe it's coming; he's already made some comments about himselfthat are fairly strange. Unfortunately, I don't imagine it'll happen before the 20th of next month, though.
But my advice to everyone hurt or disappointed by his role in the inauguration: Complain. A lot. And if anyone comlains about the complaining, complain about that. Look, who complains more than the Religious Right about their supposed grievances? And who gets pandered to more? I believe the answer to both questions is the same. At the very least Obama, who does at least listen to people he disagrees with more than the current occupant of the white house, may come to feel he owes some considerations as a way of making amends.