I was trying to think about how you would take down a private plane if the pilot is a skilled one who would do things they all do like check to make sure he has enough fuel and not accept food or drink from strangers. Shooting the plane down by nicking a wing so that it crashed seemed like best way to me.
I did a little research and found Laser Guided Bombs. It seems from what I have read that you have to be close enough to your target and it has to be clear weather for it to work. Coming in for a landing at an airport would make it close enough. I don't know what the weather was like, but you do not usually land a plane unless you can see at least the ground, even if you are flying IFR.
Here is a link about LGBs.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laser-guided_bombIt says something about a "laser designator". Could someone have applied something to his plane before he took off, a marker of some sort that the laser would target? Could he have noticed these before and have aborted his flights?
My husband says if the wing was damaged as he was trying to land, he would have crashed. That would not have explained there being no explosion though. He would have had to be out of gas. Would one of these weapons be accurate enough to punch a hole in a fuel line without setting the gas on fire?
It stinks that the Bush administration is the one that gets to examine the plane.