No names mentioned, no posts cited-- can we keep the discourse around here civil and level-headed, please?
I understand that my friends in the GLBT community are outraged at Prop 8 and the Warren decision, and rightfully so. At the same time, none among the DU community should allow our emotions to get the better of our judgment, especially at a time of such national crisis. I am not advocating pushing civil rights to the back of the line by any means, and I am almost certain Prop 8 will be overturned by the California State Supreme Court, but we must allow our decency and clear-thinking to prevail.
When Prop 8 was passed, I was extremely upset, and took to the DU boards looking for blood. Now, I am not gay, don't have any family members who are gay, nor know any friends that are, but my rage wasn't about gay prosecution- it was about unconstitutional tyranny of the majority that was allowed to transpire. As I recall, I made some very stupid statements in my maddened state, and by the good graces of fellow DU'ers, was set aright in one of my arguments. One of those cases was a question on polygamy, asking if I supported their rights. I said at the time that I did not, because if the GLBT community had their rights stripped, so should everyone. Eye for an eye, I believe was something mentioned often.
Obviously, not the best way to make friends, but like I said: in anger I said things I don't mean and tried to make enemies out of friends. I see the same thing continuing now on DU and it truly breaks my heart. So I ask of all of you, whatever your feelings on the topic, to understand each others views and not lower ourselves to the least common denominator of name-calling apologists and woeful children.