This week's
TEDTALKTUESDAY deals with the age-old question of whether life existed, or still exists, on the planet Mars. Today's speaker uses her experiences in cave systems here on Earth to give a new perspective on the possibility of life on the Red Planet, and describes various methods we will use in the near future to investigate Mars' cave systems.
Life on Mars? Let's look in the caves (video runtime: 18:29)
This talk is also available for free download in high-resolution format. Just right click and "save as..."Penelope BostonTED BioAbout this talk
So the Mars Rovers didn't scoop up any alien lifeforms. Scientist Penelope Boston thinks there's a good chance -- a 25 to 50 percent chance, in fact -- that life might exist on Mars, deep inside the planet's caves. She details how we should look and why.
Be on the lookout for next week's TEDTALKTUESDAY: The Year in Review! Twelve talks will be selected from the talks posted this year, with links, titles, and durations.