Since rumors are flying (no pun intended) as to how he died, I,m asking fellow DUer's to post any info they can get regarding the aircraft in which he died and what licences he held and how skilled he was as a pilot...
I'll start with a tenative ID of the aircraft. After googling I found a reference to the serial of the aircraft being Piper serial #3257018. The aircraft was also indentified as a Piper Lance Saratoga. My search revealed the following link: aircraft shown carries Registration # N9299N and appears to have full IFR avionics plus pressurized cabin and autopilot...IE: not a "beginners" airplane. I saw no reference to deicing boots or equipment though they may be standard on this model. The color scheme matches the wreckage and the registration # matches what is available on the crash debris.
So here's what kind of stuff needs to be looked into:First, I'd like one of our aviation guys to backcheck me on the aircraft ID. For any with ties to or knowledge of Mr. Connell, What pilot type licence did he have and any info on logged hours. Thirdly Info on the originating and destination of the flight-distance, start time, time of incident and in route weather conditions.
Essentially, the media have posited multiple "innocent" causes for the crash and it may have been just an accident-but today's meme was that the wether was deteriorating and light plane pilots are easily disoriented...but if his skill matched the plane's capabilities this is doubtful...
So please post any facts you can find (and only facts please,not suspicions) surrounding the event to help clarify whether this was an accident or something else. Thanks,Cat.