(I included the history so you'd know the story behind Snowzilla) ~

Winter 2005.... 
Billy Powers of Columbine Street in Anchorage builds a giant 2-story snowman in his front yard and dubbed him "Snowzilla".

Winter 2006.... 
Snowzilla II: It's bigger
Gigantic figure known round the world in 2005 makes second appearance
Anchorage Daily NewsPublished: December 25th, 2006 04:33 AM
All the snow that fell in the past week was the Christmas gift Billy Powers needed to resurrect a wintry wonder that took Anchorage by storm a year ago and became known near and far as Snowzilla.
The snowman towered some 16 feet in Powers' front yard in Airport Heights until the sun shrank it to an icy sliver in the spring. Decorated in homemade duds, with Alaskan Amber beer bottles for eyes, Snowzilla drew droves of picture-snapping admirers at all hours and made international headlines.
Winter 2007.... 
From Anchorage Daily News 1-5-07
Sure, Snowzilla, the famous two-story snowman in Airport Heights, makes for a cute photo-op.
But try living with it.
"I'm standing in my living room, looking though my front window and all I see is a stupid, big-ass snowman, " said Anthony Bahler, whose turquoise duplex is for sale across the street from the hulking snow character.
Bahler's neighbor, Billy Powers, supervised construction of freakish Frosty for the first time last year, and with the help of the Internet, it became an international media sensation, drawing crowds of visitors.
But all the attention is wearing on some of the neighbors. The idea is nice, they say, just not on their once-quiet street. If the neighborhood drama were a movie, it could be called "Snowzilla vs. NIMBY."
Last year, Snowzilla stories ran in USA TODAY and on CNN. A news crew came all the way from Japan. Powers, at home Thursday, insisted that more than 100,000 people made pilgrimages to his yard.
This year, with the help of his kids and neighbors, Powers resurrected Snowzilla -- with its giant hat made from tomato cages, corn-cob pipe and beer-bottle eyes -- stacking the three icy body balls 6 feet taller than last winter. Once again, gawkers are streaming down Columbine Street.
"Everybody likes it, " he said. "That's the reason I do it, really, I like the smiling faces."
2007 story continued:
Winter 2008.... 
>>>>> Two Days Ago: SNOWZILLA SLAYED !! <<<<<

City code officer slays SnowzillaGiant snowman deemed a public nuisance, safety hazard
Anchorage Daily News
Published: December 21st, 2008 10:14 PM
Last Modified: December 21st, 2008 02:15 PM
Anchorage's famous giant snow man, Snowzilla, finally met its match.
It wasn't the weather. It wasn't angry neighbors bearing shovels and pick axes.
It turns out Snowzilla's biggest foe -- the one who felled the controversial but much-loved giant -- was a notice-bearing city code enforcement officer.
That's right, Snowzilla was abated.
It was just a few years ago that 16-foot-tall Snowzilla arose in a residential yard in Airport Heights, launching an annual procession of local gawkers and an international media blitz.
http://www.adn.com/front/story/630926.html **** BREAKING NEWS OUT OF ANCHORAGE ****(Reported on Anchorage Daily News just a few hours ago):
Guerrilla Snowzilla rises overnight
Photo taken December 23, 2008
By ELIZABETH BLUEMINK | ebluemink@adn.com
Published: December 23rd, 2008 09:39 AM
Last Modified: December 23rd, 2008 12:27 PM
Snowzilla the giant snowman came back from the dead, bigger than ever, this morning after some determined pranksters defied city orders and rebuilt him overnight.
Until yesterday, the controversial and world-famous snowman was a pile of snow debris in an East Anchorage front yard.
Snowzilla seemed to be a dead issue after city code enforcers declared it a nuisance and safety hazard a few weeks ago -- before this winter's version was constructed.
Officials banned Snowzilla's creators, the Powers family, from "the building, enlargement or any other action ascribed with the construction of the extraordinarily large snowman," according to the city order.
Nevertheless, Snowzilla is back in a big way. It's about 25 feet tall, sporting a new corncob pipe and carrot nose.
It's clear the snowman was built quickly: It's looking a little lumpier than it did in previous incarnations.
If city enforcers pay Snowzilla a visit today, homeowner Billy Powers said, he will tell them the snowman's return was the result of Christmas magic.
Full story:
Billy Powers stands in front of "the quickly built Snowzilla" which was erected by unknown pranksters on Monday night
Anchorage Daily News - December 23: Snowzilla fans call for lawsuit against the city of Anchorage
http://www.adn.com/news/alaska/newsreader/story/632173.html~ ~ ~
P.S.. I've never driven over to the neighborhood that Snowzilla is in, but I may have to try to make it over there tonight with my camera!

Long live Snowzilla! ...