Edited on Wed Dec-24-08 10:04 AM by louis c
They want it to fail. they don't even do it covertly. Reagan said that "government can't solve our problems. government is the problem." Republican philosophy is to get Government out of the way and let the people make their own decisions. How often have we heard that government should let the people keep more of their own money by reducing or eliminating taxes. How often have the most conservative elements talked of "starving the beast" in an effort to bankrupt America. That's their philosophy and their sticking to it.
That philosophy is why this country is in the dire straights that it is in. If government (FDA) doesn't check my food before I purchase it, am I supposed to create my own testing lab? The Bush administration and the Republican Congress gutted the agencies that were supposed to protect us. After all, we need to be protected. OSHA was reduced and dismantled and the most catastrophic mine disasters of the last 50 years occurred on Bush's watch. Manufacturing (toy) safety, food safety, work-place safety all suffered because Republicans don't want the government to work.
Michael Brown at FEMA and Chris Cox at SEC were cronies and helped and protected no one. The labor board had disdain for workers. The Department of Education wanted to do away with public eduction and hated the teachers (I know, they said they hated the teachers' unions, but they hated the teachers).
Bush's war in Iraq was supposedly the CIA dropping the ball. 9/11 was the FBI. Boarder security, the Justice Department, our trade agreements. All aspects of out government over the last 8 years has been geared to gut the U.S. government and promote the philosophy the government doesn't work. Well, it won't work if the people in charge actively sabotage it.
Republicans should never control the government again, because their actions, in concert, are treasonous.