In the last eight years Congress has done literally nothing to stop or even to slow down the Bush Crime Family’s rape of America. They have left nothing untouched. I don’t intend to make a complete list because it would be too long for this letter and besides if you wanted to know about it you would have it researched. But I do have to mention the two stolen Presidential elections and the illegal war that is responsible for the total destruction of Iraq and especially the deaths of at least a hundreds of thousand innocent children. I must include torture and rendition that’s puts this country in the company of Nazi German and Stalin’s Russia. Also, included are the many blatant, in your face violations of the Constitution of the United States. And now the total destruction of our economy. The Bush Crime Family is walking away with trillions of dollars of middle class money. Will we be able to recover, I can't see it in my lifetime?
I have thought long and hard about writing this letter. I imagine that I will get a nice form letter from your staff telling me how hard you are working on some issue, minor in the big scheme of things.
I want to know where you have been for the last eight years. While this Bush Crime Family was destroying our way of life, you said NOTHING. As my representative in the Senate you said NOTHING, literally nothing. To me this can only mean one of a couple of things. You don’t care, because after all the Senate represents big money not the common folk, or maybe the hold that crime has on our government is so strong, you know to keep your place. In either case our system of government is badly broken. And it’s not like we can vote you out of office in favor of someone better. I know of only one case where a Senator did not win their primary and that was Traitor-Joe Lieberman. But it turns out he didn’t have to win the primary, the “good ole’ boys club” in the Senate, including Democrats, supported him over LaMont. LaMont must not be in the club.
As you know our founding fathers set up Congress to be the most powerful body in government intended to keep a tight check on the President. In the last eight years you, Congress have relinquished that power to a dictator, or is "unitary executive" more politically correct?
And now Michael Connell is dead, some think murdered to protect the Bush Crime Family.
We must prosecute the Bush Crime Family or we might as well kiss our democracy goodbye.