Any Ebaying MS Cashbackers here on DU
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Wed Dec-24-08 12:33 PM
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Any Ebaying MS Cashbackers here on DU |
What kind of incentives do you think we will get in our email on Friday morning to get us to buy on line.....During Cyber Monday I made a purchase on eBay and used a 10% off ebay coupon and 30% off MSCB discount and hardly paid anything for my purchase..
I'm trying to hold of buying till then.
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Wed Dec-24-08 01:07 PM
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1. eBay says sales are down by 16% |
I would expect more "specials" to lure bidders.
Of course they continue to alienate sellers to no end, but they won't admit it - less sellers = less buyers.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 04:06 PM
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