if i had been an equal citizen w. equal rights instead of a second rate citizen with no rights not to be groped or raped in the workplace when i was young, i would be in a different place economically today, as would a great many other women, some of them women with children or grandchildren who would have been raised with better food, better health care, better educations -- sexual harassment only became illegal in the 1980s and it is defacto pretty much not even illegal in a lot of situations today because if you are harassed and do try to do something about it, you become unemployable forever...so what choice is that?
the best way to help many of the homeless is not to make them homeless in the first fucking place
i'm amazed that so many don't grok this
women aren't poor because they're stoopit or addicted, at least not every goddamn time, in many cases women are poor because they never had an equal playing field and problems compound over time and it just becomes impossible to ever catch up
we can't change the past but in a country where it is no longer even pretended that women should have equal rights recognized under the constitution...well...i certainly understand why i meet so many young women who accept that their only chance of a decent life for self and children is to sell themselves either as strippers, sex workers, or to latch onto a rich husband...and those who are not psychologically or physically equipped to sell themselves in that way are just pretty much fucked in a lot of cases because chasing an education and hoping it will pay off just seems to dig them a bigger and bigger helping of debt and hopelessness
we're talking about a country where, even today, there is a high rape of our female soldiers on the fucking battlefight risking their life and limb for country in iraq...and we wonder why equal rights might be important? why do you think so many young women give up or try to pay for college by taking off their clothes? they know they DON'T have an equal chance and that the debt they take on is not as likely to pay off in a good, lasting career, all they have to do is run into the wrong man who won't take "no" for an answer and everything they've invested is fucked...so what's the use? might as well take control of it and pretend it's their choice, right?
do i sound cynical, well, i think i have good reason
my own country does not acknowledge that i should have equal rights and when equal rights is mentioned, i'm told "oh how does this help the homeless" after all only MALE VETS are homeless apparently!
equal rights, equal pay, etc. how does this NOT help the poor and the homeless unless you truly believe only poor men matter and poor women, poor children, poor families DON'T matter?
sheesh people think before you post once in awhile!