Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) Says No More Bailout Money for Bush
Submitted by BuzzFlash on Wed, 12/24/2008 - 1:39pm. Alerts
BURLINGTON, December 23 - Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) said today that Congress should reject Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson's request to release the second half of a $700 billion Wall Street bailout fund that has been shrouded in secrecy.
In a statement issued by the Treasury Department on Friday, Paulson asserted that "it is clear...that Congress will need to release the support financial market stability." President Bush has not yet formally asked Congress for authority to tap the second half of the fund.
"It is inconceivable that we would provide another $350 billion to the banks -- supposedly to ease credit -- when they are refusing to tell us how they're spending the money they've already received," said Sanders. The senator said that many of the concerns that he voiced when he voted against the bailout on October 1 have turned out to be true.
"Given the incompetence of the Bush administration, there is no way I would give them another dime to throw at a program that he has been so miserably botched," Sanders said. more...