Jailed child molesters keep state jobs
DOVER -- Two child molesters working for Delaware's environmental protection department office were permitted to keep their jobs while serving time in prison for their sex crimes.
The revelation that engineer Gene M. Pettingill and accountant Robert A. Dick were granted unpaid leaves of absence while incarcerated comes in the wake of state officials holding the job of Sandi R. Carney, an underground storage tank inspector serving a one-year sentence for vehicular homicide.
All three work for the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, where leaves of absence greater than 10 days must be approved by John A. Hughes, who heads the agency.
The state has no policy regarding the status of empl-oyees in prison. But state budget spokesman Robert L. Scoglietti said Wednesday his office did not support Hughes' decision to let Dick and Pettingill -- who both are listed on Delaware's sex offender registry -- keep their jobs while serving prison sentences.