I didn't see this story yesterday, but I think it's important.
http://www.freep.com/article/20081225/BUSINESS01/312250007Strings on auto loans risky for retirees
Stocks would be used for half of health-care trust
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Retirement health care for as many as three-quarters of a million Americans will be placed at high risk if conditions proposed as part of auto rescue loans are enforced by the incoming Congress and Obama administration, labor experts say.
At issue is a condition of the federal loans that calls for General Motors Corp. and Chrysler LLC to use company stock or the equivalent to pay half, or $10.5 billion, of the cash owed to a union retiree health-care trust.
"It's as if we, as a nation, learned nothing from Enron, essentially risking the health care of retired and active workers in such a cavalier fashion," said Harley Shaiken, a professor at the University of California, Berkeley who specializes in labor issues. "The great Enron lesson was: Don't put all your eggs in one basket. ... Putting half your eggs in the trust-fund basket is still a high level of risk."
Enron workers lost the lion's share of their retirement savings when the company's once fast-gaining stock became virtually worthless. Enron workers received their matching contributions in Enron stock -- then were prohibited from selling it until they were 50 -- and many invested their own 401(k) contributions in company shares.