Yeaaaaaa! We live in a world where the richest most powerful men run the country. Where the free market has won out and we've entrusted these rich and powerful men to look out for our common good and our most basic needs. Yeaaaaaa! These men who we have entrusted with our lives would never, never, never, ever engage in political assassinations or try to harm their wards, that's us. Not Ever! OH! looook! A rainbow! Even though documented history would prove otherwise, that's just kooky conspiracy talk. Hehehe. I said "kooky". And people who speculate into such occurrences are crazy. Who wants a root beer? The rich and powerful have gotten into their positions through hard work and absolutely nothing else. They are completely honorable. Yeaaaaaa! We owe it to them not to disparage them. After all, this is America! And hard work and due diligence pay off! Now here, take Lord Huggington-McFluffington Bear and go to your room and for get about all this political talk, it's boring after all. And it's nappy time.