Thom Hartmann: Can anyone figure out what Dinesh D'Souza's point is?
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Fri Dec-26-08 01:19 PM
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Thom Hartmann: Can anyone figure out what Dinesh D'Souza's point is? |
Something about how atheism is bad and Hitler was really an atheist even though he professed to be religious and worked with religious leaders. I'd really like to know from wingnuts like him what kind of laws they'd pass against atheists if given the power.
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Fri Dec-26-08 01:21 PM
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1. This has been one of the WORST bouts for D D'S that I've ever heard. |
Thom is really kicking his butt!
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Fri Dec-26-08 01:24 PM
Response to Reply #1 |
2. He's been reduced to a babbling idiot. |
Thom obviously knows his history way better than Dinesh.
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Fri Dec-26-08 01:30 PM
Response to Reply #2 |
3. Thom is very much "on his game" today, very sharp, aggressive on the essence of |
what D'Souza is saying. Not glancing blows, but right on the mark everytime, over and over. D'Souza is overwhelmed (and that's a little un-usual for him).
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Fri Dec-26-08 01:31 PM
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4. So many of Thom's shows go into my Keepers playlist. This is another. nt |
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Fri Dec-26-08 01:32 PM
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5. I believe his point is 'Liberals Are Evil', or something to that effect. |
What a nice, humble, worldly man he is. NOT
Spectral Music
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Fri Dec-26-08 02:51 PM
Response to Reply #5 |
10. I think it is more that unchecked liberalism actually leads to nihilism. |
It's an old point made by Nietzsche.
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Sat Dec-27-08 02:17 PM
Response to Reply #10 |
11. Well now that does sound interesting. I don't suppose you'd have any links? |
I can always google if not, but thanks and happy holidays
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Fri Dec-26-08 01:33 PM
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Fri Dec-26-08 01:36 PM
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7. So sad that D'Souza is the best "intellectual" the religionists have to offer. |
Strawman arguments and a virtual encyclopedia of shopworn "proofs" for the existence of god. It's the best he can do, but it's all he has.
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Fri Dec-26-08 02:42 PM
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8. hitler used religion to further the power of the state |
so the state would be the religion of the people. here in the usa some religious leaders use the state to further the power of religion so religion becomes the state.
both ideologies are false.
atheism that`s a personal choice to accept or reject.
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Fri Dec-26-08 02:48 PM
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9. Hilter was not a theist or an atheist. |
He was an opportunist who would do and say anything in order to get what he wanted for Germany.
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Sat Dec-27-08 02:19 PM
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12. I heard Thom interview Souza last week. Thom could barely contain his anger. |
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Sat Dec-27-08 02:28 PM
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13. D'Souza is a professional winger |
If it weren't for the right-wing takeover of media and academia over the last 30 years he'd be living in a cardboard box alongside Smirk.
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Sat Dec-27-08 02:32 PM
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14. It's the No True Scotsman fallacy. |
Hitler was a practicing Catholic. But no true Catholic would want to kill Jews. Therefore, he wasn't really a Catholic. Therefore, he was an atheist. Therefore, atheists are bad.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 06:40 AM
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