Justice For Mr. Madoff?
All Right, But Just This Once."
By Dave Parts
December 26, 2008 "Information Clearinghouse" -- -Years ago there was a "Far Side" cartoon with an angry lynch mob in front of an old, Western jail. The sheriff was addressing the mob, "Now you boys know that I can’t just turn him over to you without a fair trial. Well, all right, but just this once."
That pretty much covers my feelings towards Mr. Madoff. I’m all for law and order, but this admitted criminal, who used trust to defraud his victims, will now use the legal system to protect himself from them. In a perverse tale of legalese mumbo jumbo, Madoff is under house arrest, held in his seven million-dollar town home, incarcerated between the hours of 9:00 PM to 7:00 AM.
When I was fourteen I got caught smoking and got pretty much the same penalty, less the seven million-dollar town home. Meanwhile, for his victims justice is swift,
Our government has refinanced bankers with billions of dollars in new capital, now at a new, low, zero-interest rates. The banks respond by raising interest rates to consumers as high as 29% and making mortgage requirements out of reach to all but those who don’t need them in the first place. The administration has given up on its mortgage rescue package, Project Hope or dope or nope or something, admitting that it only helped 331 consumers out of over a hundred thousand that applied. It is as if we are paying the government to beat us; one year into the mortgage crisis and they’ve only saved 331 out of several million foreclosures?